Answers To Farm Questions Available At St. Marys Conference


By Frank J. Buchman

“What are the markets really going to do this year, which farm program is best, what are interest rates going to do?”

Seemingly run-on questions, all three are weighing  heavy on farmers’ minds.

Answers are to be offered during the Farm Profit Conference Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the Citizen Pottawatomie Community Center, 806 Nishnabe Trail, Rossville.

“The evening will kick off when doors open at 5:30, for attendees to visit and view displays of sponsors, before the 6 o’clock supper, to be hosted by 580 WIBW, as the first of four annual spring farm informational programs,” announced Kelly Lenz, longtime 580 WIBW farm director and coordinator of the educational sessions.

This kickoff program is being presented in cooperation with the Shawnee County Extension Service.

Featured speaker is Tom Leffler of Leffler Commodities at Augusta, who will present his perspective of “The Markets: Which Way Will They Go?”

A number of meetings have been conducted over the past couple of months to help farmers determine how to participate in the new Farm Bill programs. “It’s a Tough Choice,” insisted Lance Thompson of the Shawnee County Farm Service Agency office, who has titled his discussion exactly that way.

“Financing in Changing Times” will be reviewed by Jim Aylward from the Frontier Farm Credit office.

“The 580 WIBW Farm Profit Conference meal and program are free, but we must  have reservations so nobody misses out on their supper,” Lenz emphasized.

These can be made by calling the Shawnee County Extension office at 785-232-0062, or e-mail [email protected], no later than noon, February 9.

Additional 580 WIBW Farm Profit Conferences are scheduled at Council Grove, February 19; Ottawa, March 4, and Westmoreland, March 18.


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