ASU announces Fall 2014 Dean’s List



TEMPE, AZ (02/20/2015)(readMedia)– Undergraduate students who earn 12 or more graded semester hours during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher are eligible for the Dean’s List. A notation regarding Dean’s List achievement appears on the unofficial transcript.

The following local students were named to the Fall 2014 Dean’s List at Arizona State University:

Morgan Lopez of Goddard, KS

Angel Ortiz of Wichita, KS

Taylor Shaw of Wichita, KS

Arizona State University is a New American University-a major public educational institution, a premier research center and a leader in innovation. Our vision is described by our three core principles: excellence in scholarship, access to education and impact in our global community. As a New American University, ASU is intellectually vibrant, socially conscious and globally engaged.


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