Ridgway trail closed during rock-fall work in May


RIDGWAY, Colo. – Cyclists and hikers who use the trail from the town of Ridgway to Ridgway State Park are reminded that during May the trail is closed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Colorado Department of Transportation is doing rock work on a cliff face above U.S. Highway 550 just north of the town of Ridgway. The work zone is between mileposts 106 and 107. The purpose of the work is to remove rock-fall hazards and to improve site distance around the curve.

Some of the work involves blasting, so the trail is closed for safety. Some intermittent trail closures could occur throughout the summer. The project is scheduled for completion in October.

The trail is closed from the southern-most section of the trail inside Ridgway State Park north to Ouray County Road 24. Trail users can drive into the park to access the portion of the trail within the boundaries.


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