Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program


Adapted from MU Office for Financial Success Finance Tip of the Week blog by Graham McCaulley, Assistant Extension Professor & State Specialist, Personal Financial Planning, University of Missouri Extension

For many students this time of year marks graduation and, for some, graduation prompts thinking about student loans. Those graduating high school may be anticipating the disbursements of their first student loans in a few months to cover new tuition expenses. While those graduating college may be expecting the end of student loan deferment and the beginning of repayment in the coming months. No matter where one is on the continuum of student loan debt, it is always important to think about the long term realities of student loans, including repayment options. This article outlines one possible option for students who may go into careers in public service jobs.

What’s a public service job?

What types of loans are eligible?

What do I have to do to get my debt forgiven?

For detailed answers to these questions and more information on loan repayment options, see the full version of this article at


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