Derby Student Named 2015 President’s List



Derby, KS(readMedia)– The honor roll lists for Graceland University’s 2015 spring term have been announced, and Thomas Vogelsang of Derby, KS, has been named to the President’s List.

Graceland University students with a perfect 4.0 grade point average are named to the president’s list. Students with a GPA between 3.65 and 3.99 are named to the honors list. Students with a GPA between 3.25 and 3.64 are named to the dean’s list.

Congratulations, Thomas! Graceland commends you on your academic success.

Graceland University is a liberal arts university located in Lamoni, IA, and is sponsored by Community of Christ. It has been recognized by the Princeton Review as a top school in the Midwest and fosters academic excellence in a caring community with over 50 academic programs and a 15:1 student to faculty ratio. The warm community of inspired faculty, caring staff and remarkable people believes in educating the whole student. For more information visit and find Graceland University on Facebook and Twitter to follow additional student achievements.


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