National Intercollegiate Rodeo: Coffeyville Community College 15th after 2nd go round


NIRA – National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association

CNFR 2015
Men’s Teams – Interim
As of June 15, 2015 12:54 PM MDT
Rank School Name Points
1. CSID College of Southern Idaho 370.0
2. MVC Missouri Valley College 245.0
3. RANGER Ranger College 210.0
4. WTXC Western Texas College 210.0
5. CASPER Casper College 200.0
6. PANHDL Panhandle State University 170.0
7. DICKSN Dickinson State University 150.0
8. WOKSC Western Oklahoma State College 140.0
9. SWOKSU Southwestern Oklahoma State University 120.0
10. SAMSU Sam Houston State University 110.0
11. UTNM University of Tennessee-Martin 100.0
12. WEATHR Weatherford College 100.0
13. CONWCC Colorado Northwestern Com Coll 90.0
14. TARLET Tarleton State University 90.0
15. COFFEY Coffeyville Community College 80.0
16. SEOKSU Southeastern Oklahoma St Univ 80.0
17. IACCC Iowa Central Comm Coll 70.0
18. LARMIE Laramie County Community College 70.0
19. ODESSA Odessa College 70.0
20. FEATHR Feather River College 65.0
21. HILL Hill College 65.0
22. UMTW University of Montana, Western 60.0
23. NEJC Northeastern Junior Coll 50.0
24. FRESNO California State University-Fresno 40.0
25. WHARTN Wharton Cnty Junior Coll 40.0
26. WHILLS West Hills College 40.0
27. DINE Dine College 20.0
28. MCNSU McNeese State University 20.0
29. MESACC Mesalands Community College 15.0
30. NEOKAM Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 15.0
31. PANOLA Panola Junior College 15.0
32. UGF University of Great Falls 10.0
33. WWCC Walla Walla Community College 10.0


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