Great Plains Theatre presents “Ring of Fire”


Abilene, KS-Great Plains Theatre continues its 21st Season with the celebration of the music of Johnny Cash Ring of Fire at Abilene High School Auditorium, August 7-16. This jukebox musical takes the audience on a musical ride through Cash’s greatest hits, with interesting anecdotes along the way about the artist’s life.  For tickets contact Great Plains Theatre at 785-263-4574. For further information about performance dates and times, as well as details about the rest of GPT’s exciting season, visit

The production is directed by Great Plains Theatre’s Artistic Director Doug Nuttelman, his final show with the theatre. Mark Warner will serve as Technical Director, Set Designer and Stage Manager. Lisa Divel will provide costumes.

The cast of Ring of Fire will feature a band of performers who are amazing singers and instrumentalists. This ensemble piece will feature the talents of Zack Steele, Johnny Baird, Kristin Conrad, Nicholas Cirillo, Kimberly Braun, Darrell Johnston, and Allison Kelly. 


Continuing with our exciting summer raffles, The Great Plains Theatre will be sponsoring a 50/50 giveaway, with the final drawing at the last performance of Ring of Fire. Winners need not be present. Tickets can be purchased at performances of Ring of Fire and at the Great Plains Theatre office at 311 NW Third Street in Abilene. Come win a stash of Johnny’s cash!


Great Plains Theatre’s entire 2015 Season is graciously underwritten by ASTRA Bank, with Corporate Sponsorship provided by Brierton Engineering, Inc., First Bank Kansas, Holm Automotive Inc., and Pinnacle Bank. 


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