While we’re at it, let’s renounce the British


Sen. Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who wants to
be president, is a long-standing, steadfast critic of restoring
U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations.
Ruio, who is of Cuban ancestry, fashions himself as
the Republicans’ youth movement, its “face of the future.”
Rubio has vowed repeatedly that as president he would seek
to undo the recent U.S.-Cuban agreements.
If restoring ties to a country after 50 years of silence bothers
Rubio to no end, what must he think of Nixon’s trip to
China? Reagan’s nod to Gorbachev and perestroika? Or Ben
Franklin’s cozying up to France in the 1770s?
If Rubio is the GOP face of the future, when do we
recover the Maine and retake San Juan Hill?
Or win in Vietnam?


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