August egg production down 9 percent

ISSN: 1948-9064

Released September 22, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

August Egg Production Down 9 Percent

United States egg production totaled 7.69 billion during August 2015, down 
9 percent from last year. Production included 6.55 billion table eggs, and 
1.15 billion hatching eggs, of which 1.06 billion were broiler-type and 82 
million were egg-type. The total number of layers during August 2015 averaged 
330 million, down 9 percent from last year. August egg production per 
100 layers was 2,329 eggs, down 1 percent from August 2014.
All layers in the United States on September 1, 2015 totaled 331 million, 
down 9 percent from last year. The 331 million layers consisted of 
273 million layers producing table or market type eggs, 54.6 million layers 
producing broiler-type hatching eggs, and 3.17 million layers producing egg-
type hatching eggs. Rate of lay per day on September 1, 2015, averaged 
75.1 eggs per 100 layers, down 1 percent from September 1, 2014.

Egg-Type Chicks Hatched Up 18 Percent

Egg-type chicks hatched during August 2015 totaled 46.9 million, up 
18 percent from August 2014. Eggs in incubators totaled 47.2 million on 
September 1, 2015, up 13 percent from a year ago.

Domestic placements of egg-type pullet chicks for future hatchery supply 
flocks by leading breeders totaled 228 thousand during August 2015, down 
9 percent from August 2014.

Broiler-Type Chicks Hatched Up 1 Percent

Broiler-type chicks hatched during August 2015 totaled 798 million, up 
1 percent from August 2014. Eggs in incubators totaled 635 million on 
September 1, 2015, down 1 percent from a year ago.

Leading breeders placed 7.91 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future 
domestic hatchery supply flocks during August 2015, up 6 percent from August 

This page intentionally left blank.

Average Number of All Layers on Hand During the Month - United States: 2014-2015............................  4

Egg Production During the Month by Type - United States: 2014-2015..........................................  4

Average Number of Layers During the Month - United States...................................................  5

All Egg Production During the Month - United States.........................................................  5

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced by Type and Molt - United States: July-August 2014 and 2015................  6

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced by Type and Molt - United States: August-September 2014 and 2015...........  7

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced - States and United States: During July 2014 and 2015......................  8

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced - States and United States: During August 2014 and 2015....................  9

Egg Production by Type - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015....................................... 10

Egg Production by Type - States and United States: August 2014 and 2015..................................... 11

Molted as Percent of All Layers by Month - United States: 2014-2015......................................... 12

Molted as Percent of All Layers - States and United States: September 1, 2014 and 2015...................... 12

Hatchery Production - United States: 2014 and 2015.......................................................... 13

Egg-Type Eggs in Incubators on the First of the Month - Regions and United States: 2014-2015................ 14

Egg-Type Chicks Hatched by Month - United States: 2014-2015................................................. 14

Intended Placements of Egg-Type Pullet Chicks for Hatchery Supply Flocks by Month - 
United States: 2014-2016.................................................................................... 15

Broiler-Type Eggs in Incubators on the First of the Month - Regions and United States: 2014-2015............ 15

Broiler-Type Chicks Hatched - States and United States: August 2014 and 2015................................ 16

Broiler-Type Chicks Hatched by Month - United States: 2014-2015............................................. 16

Intended Placements of Broiler-Type Pullet Chicks for Hatchery Supply Flocks by Month and Total: 2014-2016.. 17

Statistical Methodology..................................................................................... 18

Regional Listing............................................................................................ 19

Terms and Definitions of Chickens and Eggs Estimates........................................................ 19

Information Contacts........................................................................................ 20

Average Number of All Layers on Hand During the Month - United States: 2014-2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
             Month            :            2014             :            2015             
                              :                       1,000 layers                        
December 1/ ..................:           360,673                       365,691           
January ......................:           359,556                       363,732           
February .....................:           358,967                       362,338           
March ........................:           359,955                       362,501           
April ........................:           360,826                       358,416           
May ..........................:           360,383                       341,647           
June .........................:           359,729                       328,656           
July .........................:           360,787                       328,993           
August .......................:           361,731                       330,123           
September ....................:           361,813                                         
October ......................:           362,034                                         
November .....................:           364,017                                         
1/ December preceding year.                                                               

Egg Production During the Month by Type - United States: 2014-2015
[Totals may not add due to rounding. Blank data cells indicate estimation period
has not yet begun]
               :     Total eggs      :     Table eggs      :    Hatching eggs    
     Month     :-----------------------------------------------------------------
               :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
               :                          million eggs                           
December 1/ ...:   8,489     8,731       7,422     7,633       1,068     1,098   
January .......:   8,397     8,540       7,321     7,428       1,077     1,112   
February ......:   7,551     7,620       6,579     6,615         972     1,006   
March .........:   8,430     8,548       7,354     7,429       1,077     1,119   
April .........:   8,205     8,209       7,160     7,113       1,045     1,096   
May ...........:   8,428     7,993       7,336     6,851       1,094     1,142   
June ..........:   8,151     7,416       7,091     6,307       1,060     1,109   
July ..........:   8,503     7,674       7,404     6,527       1,100     1,147   
August ........:   8,491     7,690       7,394     6,545       1,098     1,145   
September .....:   8,186                 7,126                 1,060             
October .......:   8,526                 7,433                 1,094             
November ......:   8,411                 7,353                 1,058             
During year ...:  99,768                86,971                12,803             
1/ December preceding year.                                                      

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced by Type and Molt - United States:
July-August 2014 and 2015
[Totals may not add due to rounding]
                                                      :           :           :  2015 as  
                         Item                         :   2014    :   2015    :  percent  
                                                      :           :           :  of 2014  
Layers during July                                    :                                   
  All layers ....................................1,000:  360,787     328,993        91    
    Table egg type ..............................1,000:  304,161     270,908        89    
    Hatching egg type ...........................1,000:   56,626      58,085       103    
      Broiler-type hatching .....................1,000:   53,441      54,796       103    
      Egg-type hatching .........................1,000:    3,185       3,289       103    
Eggs per 100 layers during July                       :                                   
  All layers ...................................number:    2,357       2,333        99    
    Table egg type .............................number:    2,434       2,409        99    
    Hatching egg type ..........................number:    1,943       1,975       102    
      Broiler-type hatching ....................number:    1,911       1,942       102    
      Egg-type hatching ........................number:    2,480       2,524       102    
Eggs produced during July                             :                                   
  All layers ..................................million:    8,503       7,674        90    
    Table egg type ............................million:    7,404       6,527        88    
    Hatching egg type .........................million:    1,100       1,147       104    
      Broiler-type hatching ...................million:    1,021       1,064       104    
      Egg-type hatching .......................million:       79          83       105    
Layers on August 1                                    :                                   
  All layers ....................................1,000:  361,873     329,580        91    
    Table egg type ..............................1,000:  305,218     271,454        89    
    Hatching egg type ...........................1,000:   56,655      58,126       103    
      Broiler-type hatching .....................1,000:   53,501      54,830       102    
      Egg-type hatching .........................1,000:    3,154       3,296       105    
Eggs per 100 layers on August 1                       :                                   
  All layers ...................................number:     75.9        75.0        99    
    Table egg type .............................number:     78.4        77.5        99    
    Hatching egg type ..........................number:     62.3        63.6       102    
      Broiler-type hatching ....................number:     61.3        62.4       102    
      Egg-type hatching ........................number:     79.4        82.1       103    
Molted layers on August 1                             :                                   
  Being molted ................................percent:      3.3         2.7        82    
  Molt completed ..............................percent:     18.0        19.5       108    
Layers sold for slaughter during July ...........1,000:   14,071      14,968       106    
Layers rendered, died, destroyed, composted           :                                   
 or disappeared for any reason during July ......1,000:    8,284       5,955        72    
Pullets on August 1 .............................1,000:  109,322     107,234        98    
Pullets added during July 1/ ....................1,000:   25,601      26,085       102    
1/ Pullet chicks less than 3 days old added to pullet flocks.                             

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced by Type and Molt - United States:
August-September 2014 and 2015
[Totals may not add due to rounding]
                                                     :           :           :  2015 as  
                         Item                        :   2014    :   2015    :  percent  
                                                     :           :           :  of 2014  
Layers during August                                 :                                   
  All layers ...................................1,000:  361,731     330,123        91    
    Table egg type .............................1,000:  305,415     272,175        89    
    Hatching egg type ..........................1,000:   56,316      57,948       103    
      Broiler-type hatching ....................1,000:   53,130      54,714       103    
      Egg-type hatching ........................1,000:    3,186       3,234       102    
Eggs per 100 layers during August                    :                                   
  All layers ..................................number:    2,347       2,329        99    
    Table egg type ............................number:    2,421       2,405        99    
    Hatching egg type .........................number:    1,950       1,976       101    
      Broiler-type hatching ...................number:    1,918       1,943       101    
      Egg-type hatching .......................number:    2,480       2,536       102    
Eggs produced during August                          :                                   
  All layers .................................million:    8,491       7,690        91    
    Table egg type ...........................million:    7,394       6,545        89    
    Hatching egg type ........................million:    1,098       1,145       104    
      Broiler-type hatching ..................million:    1,019       1,063       104    
      Egg-type hatching ......................million:       79          82       104    
Layers on September 1                                :                                   
  All layers ...................................1,000:  361,560     330,639        91    
    Table egg type .............................1,000:  305,597     272,883        89    
    Hatching egg type ..........................1,000:   55,963      57,756       103    
      Broiler-type hatching ....................1,000:   52,750      54,589       103    
      Egg-type hatching ........................1,000:    3,213       3,167        99    
Eggs per 100 layers on September 1                   :                                   
  All layers ..................................number:     75.5        75.1        99    
    Table egg type ............................number:     77.8        77.5       100    
    Hatching egg type .........................number:     63.0        63.6       101    
      Broiler-type hatching ...................number:     62.0        62.5       101    
      Egg-type hatching .......................number:     78.8        82.4       105    
Molted layers on September 1                         :                                   
  Being molted ...............................percent:      2.9         3.2       110    
  Molt completed .............................percent:     18.9        20.0       106    
Layers sold for slaughter during August ........1,000:   16,393      13,454        82    
Layers rendered, died, destroyed, composted          :                                   
 or disappeared for any reason during August ...1,000:    7,271       6,782        93    
Pullets on September 1 .........................1,000:  109,413     108,201        99    
Pullets added during August 1/ .................1,000:   25,047      23,787        95    
1/ Pullet chicks less than 3 days old added to pullet flocks.                            

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced - States and United States: During July 2014 and 2015
                :  Table egg layers in  :                       :   Eggs per 100 for    
                :flocks 30,000 and above:      All layers       :      all layers       
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                :  --------------- 1,000 layers --------------      ------ eggs -----   
Alabama ........:    1,529       1,512       9,309       9,549      2,009       1,990   
Arkansas .......:    3,584       3,697      12,271      13,026      2,086       2,073   
California .....:   15,585      13,042      15,997      13,545      2,400       2,289   
Colorado .......:    4,628       4,093       5,001       4,576      2,500       2,601   
Connecticut 1/ .:    2,311        (NA)       2,404        (NA)      2,454        (NA)   
Florida ........:    8,170       8,533       8,583       8,926      2,319       2,319   
Georgia ........:    9,407       9,593      18,159      18,454      2,159       2,184   
Illinois .......:    4,268       4,215       4,761       4,689      2,520       2,261   
Indiana ........:   26,486      25,924      27,467      26,884      2,403       2,425   
Iowa ...........:   57,584      32,448      58,787      33,593      2,375       2,307   
Maine 1/ .......:    3,422        (NA)       3,477        (NA)      2,358        (NA)   
Maryland .......:    2,603       2,539       2,774       2,703      2,451       2,516   
Michigan .......:   12,865      12,834      13,082      13,051      2,523       2,437   
Minnesota ......:   10,632       7,854      11,088       8,314      2,444       2,418   
Mississippi ....:    1,318       1,536       5,501       5,801      2,036       2,103   
Missouri .......:    6,481       6,059       8,725       8,252      2,338       2,315   
Nebraska .......:    9,468       5,769       9,576       5,877      2,600       2,569   
New York .......:    4,737       4,567       5,094       4,927      2,493       2,578   
North Carolina .:    6,009       6,831      13,728      14,745      2,120       2,089   
Ohio ...........:   30,268      30,926      31,145      31,778      2,459       2,410   
Oregon .........:    2,239       2,306       2,378       2,445      2,691       2,618   
Pennsylvania ...:   23,329      23,729      25,146      25,683      2,513       2,507   
South Carolina .:    2,966       3,066       4,201       4,306      2,166       2,346   
South Dakota ...:    2,409       1,408       2,551       1,550      2,430       2,516   
Texas ..........:   14,827      15,360      18,901      19,424      2,312       2,265   
Utah ...........:    4,160       4,192       4,198       4,230      2,382       2,506   
Virginia .......:    1,300       1,113       3,073       2,836      2,180       2,080   
Washington .....:    6,686       7,162       6,852       7,327      2,481       2,470   
Wisconsin ......:    4,116       3,527       4,892       4,307      2,433       2,484   
Other States 2/ :   12,771      18,992      21,666      28,195      2,229       2,302   
United States ..:  296,158     262,827     360,787     328,993      2,357       2,333   
(NA) Not available.                                                                     
1/   Included in Other States in 2015.                                                  
2/   Includes data for States not published in this table.                              

Layers on Hand and Eggs Produced - States and United States: During August 2014 and 2015
                :  Table egg layers in  :                       :   Eggs per 100 for    
                :flocks 30,000 and above:      All layers       :      all layers       
      State     :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                :  --------------- 1,000 layers --------------      ------ eggs -----   
Alabama ........:    1,508       1,518       9,199       9,620      1,978       2,006   
Arkansas .......:    3,620       3,761      12,367      13,252      2,102       2,053   
California .....:   15,429      12,924      15,837      13,435      2,349       2,337   
Colorado .......:    4,537       4,191       4,910       4,644      2,525       2,562   
Connecticut 1/ .:    2,280        (NA)       2,374        (NA)      2,527        (NA)   
Florida ........:    8,185       8,484       8,608       8,884      2,323       2,330   
Georgia ........:    9,453       9,681      18,118      18,458      2,175       2,183   
Illinois .......:    4,424       4,275       4,914       4,753      2,503       2,293   
Indiana ........:   26,532      25,977      27,524      26,949      2,347       2,386   
Iowa ...........:   58,024      32,601      59,189      33,752      2,369       2,278   
Maine 1/ .......:    3,445        (NA)       3,500        (NA)      2,286        (NA)   
Maryland .......:    2,595       2,527       2,765       2,688      2,459       2,530   
Michigan .......:   12,757      12,775      12,974      12,991      2,551       2,502   
Minnesota ......:   10,838       8,232      11,295       8,690      2,408       2,348   
Mississippi ....:    1,397       1,526       5,521       5,667      2,011       2,082   
Missouri .......:    6,712       6,371       8,951       8,565      2,402       2,265   
Nebraska .......:    9,422       5,754       9,530       5,862      2,581       2,559   
New York .......:    4,721       4,795       5,079       5,147      2,500       2,526   
North Carolina .:    6,073       6,839      13,709      14,690      2,108       2,103   
Ohio ...........:   30,030      30,825      30,903      31,677      2,433       2,424   
Oregon .........:    2,238       2,345       2,377       2,484      2,692       2,657   
Pennsylvania ...:   23,489      23,750      25,293      25,634      2,515       2,520   
South Carolina .:    2,913       2,810       4,136       4,046      2,103       2,373   
South Dakota ...:    2,519       1,397       2,661       1,539      2,443       2,534   
Texas ..........:   14,668      15,614      18,696      19,696      2,321       2,269   
Utah ...........:    4,303       4,055       4,341       4,093      2,465       2,516   
Virginia .......:    1,292       1,123       3,105       2,839      2,158       2,078   
Washington .....:    6,882       7,093       7,047       7,259      2,427       2,466   
Wisconsin ......:    4,250       3,821       5,028       4,599      2,387       2,435   
Other States 2/ :   12,876      19,030      21,780      28,210      2,231       2,297   
United States ..:  297,412     264,094     361,731     330,123      2,347       2,329   
(NA) Not available.                                                                     
1/   Included in Other States in 2015.                                                  
2/   Includes data for States not published in this table.                              

Egg Production by Type - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015
[Totals may not add due to rounding. Data by type of flock not shown for some States to
avoid disclosing individual operations, data included in United States totals]
                 :   Total production    :      Table eggs       :     Hatching eggs     
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                 :                             million eggs                              
Alabama .........:     187         190          41          40         146         150   
Arkansas ........:     256         270          88          90         168         180   
California ......:     384         310         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Colorado ........:     125         119         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Connecticut 1/ ..:      59        (NA)         (D)        (NA)         (D)        (NA)   
Florida .........:     199         207         194         202           5           5   
Georgia .........:     392         403         223         228         169         175   
Illinois ........:     120         106         115         101           5           5   
Indiana .........:     660         652         641         632          19          20   
Iowa ............:   1,396         775       1,378         758          18          17   
Maine 1/ ........:      82        (NA)         (D)        (NA)         (D)        (NA)   
Maryland ........:      68          68          66          66           2           2   
Michigan ........:     330         318         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Minnesota .......:     271         201         264         194           7           7   
Mississippi .....:     112         122          33          39          79          83   
Missouri ........:     204         191         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Nebraska ........:     249         151         249         151           -           -   
New York ........:     127         127         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
North Carolina ..:     291         308         151         158         140         150   
Ohio ............:     766         766         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Oregon ..........:      64          64          64          64           -           -   
Pennsylvania ....:     632         644         607         616          25          28   
South Carolina ..:      91         101          69          78          22          23   
South Dakota ....:      62          39          62          39           -           -   
Texas ...........:     437         440         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Utah ............:     100         106         100         106           -           -   
Virginia ........:      67          59          35          27          32          32   
Washington ......:     170         181         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Wisconsin .......:     119         107         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Other States 2/ .:     483         649         349         508         135         141   
United States ...:   8,503       7,674       7,404       6,527       1,100       1,147   
-    Represents zero.                                                                    
(D)  Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                        
(NA) Not available.                                                                      
1/   Included in Other States in 2015.                                                   
2/   Not published separately to avoid disclosing individual operations.                 

Egg Production by Type - States and United States: August 2014 and 2015
[Totals may not add due to rounding. Data by type of flock not shown for some States to
avoid disclosing individual operations, data included in United States totals]
                 :   Total production    :      Table eggs       :     Hatching eggs     
      State      :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                 :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015    
                 :                             million eggs                              
Alabama .........:     182         193          38          41         144         152   
Arkansas ........:     260         272          91          90         169         182   
California ......:     372         314         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Colorado ........:     124         119         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Connecticut 1/ ..:      60        (NA)         (D)        (NA)         (D)        (NA)   
Florida .........:     200         207         194         202           6           5   
Georgia .........:     394         403         224         229         170         174   
Illinois ........:     123         109         118         104           5           5   
Indiana .........:     646         643         627         623          19          20   
Iowa ............:   1,402         769       1,386         752          16          17   
Maine 1/ ........:      80        (NA)         (D)        (NA)         (D)        (NA)   
Maryland ........:      68          68          66          66           2           2   
Michigan ........:     331         325         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Minnesota .......:     272         204         265         197           7           7   
Mississippi .....:     111         118          34          37          77          81   
Missouri ........:     215         194         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Nebraska ........:     246         150         246         150           -           -   
New York ........:     127         130         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
North Carolina ..:     289         309         150         160         139         149   
Ohio ............:     752         768         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Oregon ..........:      64          66          64          66           -           -   
Pennsylvania ....:     636         646         612         619          24          27   
South Carolina ..:      87          96          66          73          21          23   
South Dakota ....:      65          39          65          39           -           -   
Texas ...........:     434         447         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Utah ............:     107         103         107         103           -           -   
Virginia ........:      67          59          35          27          32          32   
Washington ......:     171         179         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Wisconsin .......:     120         112         (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)   
Other States 2/ .:     486         648         350         507         137         141   
United States ...:   8,491       7,690       7,394       6,545       1,098       1,145   
-    Represents zero.                                                                    
(D)  Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                        
(NA) Not available.                                                                      
1/   Included in Other States in 2015.                                                   
2/   Not published separately to avoid disclosing individual operations.                 

Molted as Percent of All Layers by Month - United States: 2014-2015
[As of the first of the month. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not
yet begun]
                        :         Being molted          :        Molt completed         
          Month         :---------------------------------------------------------------
                        :     2014      :     2015      :     2014      :     2015      
                        :                            percent                            
January ................:      2.7             2.1            18.2            18.1      
February ...............:      2.8             3.3            18.0            17.9      
March ..................:      2.4             1.9            18.0            18.9      
April ..................:      1.9             2.0            17.9            18.0      
May ....................:      2.8             3.1            17.7            17.7      
June ...................:      3.0             2.4            17.2            17.5      
July ...................:      2.6             2.9            18.0            18.4      
August .................:      3.3             2.7            18.0            19.5      
September ..............:      2.9             3.2            18.9            20.0      
October ................:      3.3                            19.3                      
November ...............:      2.0                            19.9                      
December ...............:      1.3                            19.3                      

Molted as Percent of All Layers - States and United States: September 1, 2014 and 2015
[As of the first of the month]
                        :         Being molted          :        Molt completed         
          State         :---------------------------------------------------------------
                        :     2014      :     2015      :     2014      :     2015      
                        :                            percent                            
Alabama ................:      2.0              2.0            6.0              8.5     
Arkansas ...............:      2.0              2.0           11.5             15.5     
California .............:      7.0              2.0           30.5             30.5     
Colorado ...............:      4.5              1.0           24.5             10.0     
Connecticut 1/ .........:        -             (NA)           10.5             (NA)     
Florida ................:      5.5              6.5           33.0             52.0     
Georgia ................:      3.0              3.0           17.5             16.5     
Illinois ...............:        -              1.5           13.0             19.5     
Indiana ................:      3.0              6.0           26.0             25.5     
Iowa ...................:      3.0              5.0           26.0             29.0     
Maine 1/ ...............:        -             (NA)              -             (NA)     
Maryland ...............:      4.5                -            1.0                -     
Michigan ...............:        -                -            8.5             12.5     
Minnesota ..............:      2.5              5.5           18.5             13.0     
Mississippi ............:      3.5              2.0            9.5             18.0     
Missouri ...............:      2.5              5.0           16.0             17.0     
Nebraska ...............:        -              6.5            1.5              5.5     
New York ...............:        -                -            9.0              6.0     
North Carolina .........:      1.0              3.0           14.5             16.5     
Ohio ...................:      4.5              2.5           24.5             24.5     
Oregon .................:      7.0                -           14.5             14.5     
Pennsylvania ...........:        -              1.0            5.0              5.0     
South Carolina .........:        -                -            9.5             11.0     
South Dakota ...........:        -                -           13.5             14.0     
Texas ..................:      6.0              4.5           28.5             41.0     
Utah ...................:      3.5              7.5           31.0             28.0     
Virginia ...............:      9.0                -           12.5             21.0     
Washington .............:      7.0              5.5           20.5             26.5     
Wisconsin ..............:      4.0              6.5           34.0             18.0     
Other States 2/ ........:      1.8              1.5           13.4              9.0     
United States ..........:      2.9              3.2           18.9             20.0     
-    Represents zero.                                                                   
(NA) Not available.                                                                     
1/   Included in Other States in 2015.                                                  
2/   Includes data for States not published in this table.                              

Hatchery Production - United States: 2014 and 2015
                                                            :              :              :   2015 as    
                            Item                            :     2014     :     2015     :   percent    
                                                            :              :              :   of 2014    
                                                            :  --------- 1,000 --------       percent    
Egg-type                                                    :                                            
  Eggs in incubators on September 1 ........................:     41,734         47,242         113      
  Chicks hatched during August .............................:     39,803         46,863         118      
  Chicks hatched January through August ....................:    350,632        370,902         106      
  Pullets hatched during August for intended placements:    :                                            
   Hatchery supply flocks ..................................:        251            228          91      
   Cumulative potential placements 7-18 months earlier 1/ ..:      2,786          3,074         110      
Broiler-type                                                :                                            
  Eggs in incubators on September 1 ........................:    639,323        635,299          99      
  Chicks hatched during August .............................:    789,582        798,399         101      
  Chicks hatched January through August ....................:  6,112,193      6,266,733         103      
  Pullets hatched during August for intended placements:    :                                            
   Hatchery supply flocks ..................................:      7,436          7,907         106      
   Cumulative potential placements 7-15 months earlier 2/ ..:     61,772         63,763         103      
1/ 2015 includes pullet chicks hatched February 2014 through January 2015.                               
2/ 2015 includes pullet chicks hatched May 2014 through January 2015.                                    

Egg-Type Eggs in Incubators on the First of the Month - Regions and United States: 2014-2015
[See regional listing on page 19]
                    :          August 1           :   2015 as    :         September 1         :   2015 as    
       Region       :-----------------------------:   percent    :-----------------------------:   percent    
                    :     2014     :     2015     :   of 2014    :     2014     :     2015     :   of 2014    
                    :  1,000 eggs     1,000 eggs      percent       1,000 eggs     1,000 eggs      percent    
North Atlantic .....:     5,472          7,401          135            5,868          7,824          133      
East North Central .:     6,616          8,039          122            8,496          8,714          103      
West North Central .:    11,514         12,847          112           11,876         13,417          113      
South Atlantic .....:     4,272          5,076          119            4,679          5,068          108      
South Central ......:     5,818          5,706           98            5,746          6,455          112      
West ...............:     6,090          6,217          102            5,069          5,764          114      
United States ......:    39,782         45,286          114           41,734         47,242          113      

Egg-Type Chicks Hatched by Month - United States: 2014-2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
               :               By months                :               Cumulative               
     Month     :            :            :   2015 as    :            :            :   2015 as    
               :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    
               :            :            :   of 2014    :            :            :   of 2014    
               :   --- 1,000 chicks --       percent       --- 1,000 chicks ---       percent    
January .......:   44,458       44,174          99          44,458       44,174          99      
February ......:   40,986       43,091         105          85,444       87,265         102      
March .........:   44,233       50,077         113         129,677      137,342         106      
April .........:   45,703       49,595         109         175,380      186,937         107      
May ...........:   49,146       47,652          97         224,526      234,589         104      
June ..........:   44,006       46,868         107         268,532      281,457         105      
July ..........:   42,297       42,582         101         310,829      324,039         104      
August ........:   39,803       46,863         118         350,632      370,902         106      
September .....:   43,722                                  394,354                               
October .......:   44,468                                  438,822                               
November ......:   36,544                                  475,366                               
December ......:   42,980                                  518,346                               

Intended Placements of Egg-Type Pullet Chicks for Hatchery Supply Flocks by Month -
United States: 2014-2016
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                        :                             :              :  Cumulative potential placements  
                        :    Pullet chicks hatched    :   2015 as    :    relative to current supply     
          Month         :                             :   percent    :   flocks 7-18 months earlier 1/   
                        :-----------------------------:   of 2014    :-----------------------------------
                        :     2014     :     2015     :              :      2015       :      2016       
                        :    --- 1,000 chicks --          percent           ----- 1,000 chicks ----      
January ................:      270           270            100             2,947             3,386      
February ...............:      243           309            127             2,955             3,378      
March ..................:      235           346            147             2,863             3,355      
April ..................:      243           219             90             2,987                        
May ....................:      224           235            105             3,206                        
June ...................:      172           320            186             3,178                        
July ...................:      275           267             97             3,074                        
August .................:      251           228             91             3,074                        
September ..............:      394                                          3,140                        
October ................:      369                                          3,251                        
November ...............:      150                                          3,227                        
December ...............:      248                                          3,238                        
Total ..................:    3,074                                                                       
1/ For August 2015, includes breeder pullet chicks hatched February 2014 through January 2015. The 7-18  
   months represent the first laying cycle. Molting and additional laying cycles will increase the       
   cumulative potential placements.                                                                      

Broiler-Type Eggs in Incubators on the First of the Month - Regions and United States: 2014-2015
[See regional listing on page 19]
                    :          August 1           :   2015 as    :         September 1         :   2015 as    
       Region       :-----------------------------:   percent    :-----------------------------:   percent    
                    :     2014     :     2015     :   of 2014    :     2014     :     2015     :   of 2014    
                    :  1,000 eggs     1,000 eggs      percent       1,000 eggs     1,000 eggs      percent    
North Atlantic .....:    14,209         13,528           95           14,063         14,329          102      
East North Central .:    14,131         13,952           99           14,084         14,318          102      
West North Central .:    30,875         30,937          100           30,653         30,269           99      
South Atlantic .....:   249,524        249,432          100          247,529        243,654           98      
South Central ......:   311,636        314,790          101          311,683        309,839           99      
West ...............:    23,164         23,446          101           21,311         22,890          107      
United States ......:   643,539        646,085          100          639,323        635,299           99      

Broiler-Type Chicks Hatched - States and United States: August 2014 and 2015
                              :             During August              :             January-August             
             State            :            :            :   2015 as    :            :            :   2015 as    
                              :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    
                              :            :            :   of 2014    :            :            :   of 2014    
                              :  --- 1,000 chicks ---       percent      ---- 1,000 chicks ----      percent    
Alabama ......................:  106,298      108,927         102          828,175      850,733        103      
Arkansas .....................:   79,278       80,375         101          606,448      628,062        104      
Delaware .....................:   15,856       17,583         111          128,640      136,680        106      
Florida ......................:    4,634        4,542          98           35,418       34,740         98      
Georgia ......................:  127,579      125,173          98          977,283      980,904        100      
Kentucky .....................:   29,287       29,305         100          222,472      227,185        102      
Louisiana ....................:   13,915       14,045         101          111,710      111,744        100      
Maryland .....................:   28,060       29,282         104          218,771      227,361        104      
Mississippi ..................:   66,179       65,843          99          510,430      523,269        103      
Missouri .....................:   31,414       30,938          98          243,465      238,588         98      
North Carolina ...............:   77,487       78,700         102          592,870      615,333        104      
Oklahoma .....................:   24,472       24,792         101          191,951      189,370         99      
Pennsylvania .................:   16,407       16,487         100          125,797      129,853        103      
South Carolina ...............:   18,159       19,523         108          139,605      154,554        111      
Texas ........................:   54,652       54,914         100          423,534      443,730        105      
Virginia .....................:   24,403       23,778          97          191,464      189,352         99      
California, Tennessee,        :                                                                                 
 and West Virginia ...........:   41,785       44,828         107          333,098      351,381        105      
19 States 1/ .................:  759,865      769,035         101        5,881,131    6,032,839        103      
Other States 2/ ..............:   29,717       29,364          99          231,062      233,894        101      
United States ................:  789,582      798,399         101        6,112,193    6,266,733        103      
1/ States in the weekly hatchery production estimating program.                                                 
2/ Not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                                 

Broiler-Type Chicks Hatched by Month - United States: 2014-2015
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
               :               By months                :               Cumulative               
     Month     :            :            :   2015 as    :            :            :   2015 as    
               :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    :    2014    :    2015    :   percent    
               :            :            :   of 2014    :            :            :   of 2014    
               :  --- 1,000 chicks ---       percent      ---- 1,000 chicks ----      percent    
January .......:  772,825      792,176         103          772,825      792,176        103      
February ......:  694,277      711,223         102        1,467,102    1,503,399        102      
March .........:  771,618      791,109         103        2,238,720    2,294,508        102      
April .........:  750,447      772,833         103        2,989,167    3,067,341        103      
May ...........:  783,136      809,044         103        3,772,303    3,876,385        103      
June ..........:  764,412      787,193         103        4,536,715    4,663,578        103      
July ..........:  785,896      804,756         102        5,322,611    5,468,334        103      
August ........:  789,582      798,399         101        6,112,193    6,266,733        103      
September .....:  757,650                                 6,869,843                              
October .......:  762,311                                 7,632,154                              
November ......:  732,978                                 8,365,132                              
December ......:  795,846                                 9,160,978                              

Intended Placements of Broiler-Type Pullet Chicks for Hatchery Supply Flocks by Month and Total: 2014-2016
[Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                           :                             :              :  Cumulative potential placements  
                           :    Pullet chicks hatched    :   2015 as    :    relative to current supply     
           Month           :                             :   percent    :   flocks 7-15 months earlier 1/   
                           :-----------------------------:   of 2014    :-----------------------------------
                           :     2014     :     2015     :              :      2015       :      2016       
                           :   ---- 1,000 chicks ----        percent          ----- 1,000 chicks -----      
United States placements ..:                                                                                
  January .................:     6,470          6,959          108            62,018            65,575      
  February ................:     7,239          7,921          109            61,999            66,180      
  March ...................:     6,790          7,160          105            62,220            66,496      
  April ...................:     6,710          6,995          104            62,804                        
  May .....................:     7,600          7,541           99            63,157                        
  June ....................:     7,094          7,790          110            63,509                        
  July ....................:     6,212          7,428          120            63,514                        
  August ..................:     7,436          7,907          106            63,763                        
  September ...............:     7,253                                        64,084                        
  October .................:     6,823                                        64,150                        
  November ................:     7,591                                        64,933                        
  December ................:     6,795                                        65,038                        
Annual total ..............:    84,013                                                                      
Total placements 2/ .......:                                                                                
  January .................:     8,077          8,382          104                                          
  February ................:     9,068          9,546          105                                          
  March ...................:     8,702          8,875          102                                          
  April ...................:     8,122          8,358          103                                          
  May .....................:     9,470          9,409           99                                          
  June ....................:     9,021          9,785          108                                          
  July ....................:     7,916          9,907          125                                          
  August ..................:     9,413         10,040          107                                          
  September ...............:     9,228                                                                      
  October .................:     8,288                                                                      
  November ................:     9,540                                                                      
  December ................:     8,649                                                                      
Annual total ..............:   105,494                                                                      
1/ For August 2015, includes breeder pullet chicks hatched May 2014 through January 2015.                   
2/ United States production of intended placements worldwide.                                               

Statistical Methodology 

Survey Procedures: Primary data for the Chickens and Eggs report are from 
weekly and/or monthly questionnaires sent to producers. An attempt is made to 
collect information for layer and egg estimates from each known contractor 
and independent producer who has at least 30,000 table egg layers, flocks of 
hatchery supply layers, or pullet only operations with at least 500 pullets. 
Coverage for operations with less than 30,000 table egg layers are estimated 
each month based on data reported in December. Approximately 500 contractors, 
independent egg producers, and pullet only operations are contacted each 
month. Data for broiler hatchery estimates are collected weekly from all 
broiler-type hatcheries that hatch at least one million chicks a year. Data 
for egg-type hatchery estimates are collected monthly from all egg-type 
hatcheries that hatch at least 50,000 chicks a year.

Estimating Procedures: Sound statistical methodology is employed to derive 
estimates from the reported data. All data are analyzed for unusual values. 
Data from each operation are compared to their own past operating profile and 
to trends from similar operations. Data for missing operations are estimated 
based on similar operations or historical data. NASS field offices prepare 
these estimates by using a combination of survey indications and historic 
trends. Individual State estimates are reviewed by the Agricultural 
Statistics Board for reasonableness. Individual hatchery data are summed to 
State, regional, and United States totals.

For chicken hatcheries, chicks hatched consist of all chicks of domesticated 
breeds including males and chicks destined for hatchery supply flocks and 
research purposes. Eggs set are eggs in incubators for the purpose of 
hatching. The relationship of egg-type chicks hatched to chicken inventory 
and poultry marketings are carefully monitored. The disposition of egg-type 
chicks hatched prior to placement into the laying flock can vary 
significantly, which can make comparisons to changes in layer inventory 
inconsistent over time. Broiler chicks placed are specifically for meat 
production. Intended placement data reported by leading breeders include 
pullet chicks expected from eggs sold the preceding month. The breeders in 
this report account for a large percentage of replacement pullets for 
hatchery supply flocks. Production of replacement pullets by these breeders 
indicates the number of pullets available to hatchery supply layer flocks 
several months before the pullets will actually move into the laying flocks. 
"Hatchery Supply Flocks" include all generations of layers which could lay 
eggs to supply a hatchery. This includes the generations of parents, 
grandparents, great-grandparents, pedigree, etc. Also included are research 
flocks, vaccine flocks, and specific pathogen-free flocks. The broiler 
cumulative potential placements are a moving total of the intended placements 
7-15 months earlier. The egg-type cumulative potential placements of 7-18 
months earlier represent the first laying cycle. Molting and additional 
laying cycles will increase the cumulative potential placements of egg-type 
hatching flocks.

Revision Policy: The previous month's estimates are subject to revision if 
late reports or corrected data indicates a different level. Additionally, 
revisions after the monthly report will be made at the end of the marketing 
year and published in the annual reports of Chickens and Eggs Summary and 
Hatchery Production Summary. Estimates will also be reviewed for chickens and 
eggs after data from the 5-year Census of Agriculture are available. No 
revisions will be made after that date. 

Reliability: Estimates are based on a census of all known contractors and 
independent producers who have at least 30,000 table egg layers, flocks of 
hatchery supply layers, pullet only operations with at least 500 pullets, or 
operating hatcheries and therefore, have no sampling error. However, 
estimates are subject to errors such as omission, duplication, and mistakes 
in reporting, recording, and processing the data. While these errors cannot 
be measured directly, they are minimized through strict quality controls in 
the data collection process and a careful review of all reported data for 
consistency and reasonableness.

To assist in evaluating the reliability of the estimates in this report, the 
"Root Mean Square Error" is shown for selected items in the following table. 
The "Root Mean Square Error" is a statistical measure based on past 
performance and is computed using the differences between first and final 
estimates. The "Root Mean Square Error" for all layers over the past 24 
months is 1.9 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the final 
estimate will not be above or below the current estimate of 330 million 
layers by more than 1.9 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 that the difference 
will not exceed 3.2 percent.

Reliability of Layer and Egg Estimates
[Based on data for the past twenty-four months]
                              :  Root mean   :  90 percent  :        Difference between first and latest estimate         
                              : square error :  confidence  :         :         :         :               :               
                              :              :    level     :-------------------------------------------------------------
             Item             :              :              :         :         :         :            Months             
                              :              :              :         :         :         :-------------------------------
                              :              :              : Average :Smallest : Largest : Below latest  : Above latest  
                              :   percent        percent       --------- 1,000 ---------         ----- number -----       
All layers ...................:     1.9            3.2         5,435      37      10,344         21               3       
                              :                                  ------- million -------                                  
Eggs .........................:     2.0            3.4           131       1         271         21               3       

Egg-Type Regional Listing

North Atlantic: 	Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania.
East North Central:	Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin.  
West North Central:	Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri.
South Atlantic: 	Florida, Georgia, Virginia.
South Central: 	Alabama, Mississippi, Texas.
West: 	California, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon.

Broiler-Type Regional Listing

North Atlantic: 	New York, Pennsylvania.
East North Central:	Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin.  
West North Central:	Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri.
South Atlantic: 	Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South 
Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia.
South Central: 	Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, 
Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas.
West: 	California, Oregon, Washington.

Terms and Definitions of Chickens and Eggs Estimates

All Layers includes both table egg and hatching egg flocks regardless of 

Intended Placements are reported by leading breeders. Coverage may not be 100 
percent. Includes expected pullet chicks from eggs sold during the preceding 
month at the rate of 125 pullet chicks per case of 30 dozen eggs.

Molted Layers is the same data series as the previously published Forced Molt 
Layers. Nomenclature changed as of January 2015.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics 
Service to contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent to [email protected]

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........................................................ (202) 720-3570

Bruce Boess, Head, Poultry and Specialty Commodities Section ................................. (202) 720-4447
   Alissa Cowell-Mytar - Cold Storage ........................................................ (202) 720-4751
   Heidi Gleich - Broiler Hatchery, Chicken Hatchery ......................................... (202) 720-0585
   Michael Klamm - Poultry Slaughter ......................................................... (202) 720-3040
   Tom Kruchten - Census of Aquaculture ...................................................... (202) 690-4870
   Kim Linonis - Layers, Eggs ................................................................ (202) 690-8632
   Sammy Neal - Catfish Production, Egg Products, Mink, Trout Production, Turkey Hatchery, 
      Turkeys Raised ......................................................................... (202) 720-3244
   Joshua O'Rear - Honey ..................................................................... (202) 690-3676

Access to NASS Reports

For your convenience, you may access NASS reports and products the following 

 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 

 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
mail subscription. To set-up this free subscription, visit and in the "Follow NASS" box under "Receive 
reports by Email," click on "National" or "State" to select the reports 
you would like to receive. 

For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against 
its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of race, 
color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, 
reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial 
or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's 
income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic 
information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded 
by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs 
and/or employment activities.) 
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, 
complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), found online 
at, or at any USDA 
office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a 
letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your 
completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, 
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at 
[email protected].


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