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We were eating at 5 Guys in Wichita October 2nd around 2:30 and we were the only ones in the restaurant at that time....

Mud on the Boots

This time of year, when the eight-letter word “football” fills many people’s thoughts, our thoughts as hunters and trappers should dwell on another eight-letter...

Fake Out

It seems like everything is fake these days: fake news, fake ice cream, fake money, fake teeth, fake knees, fake hips and fake identities....

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

We had an interesting event in our community last weekend. My lucky-to-be-alive airplane flying friend, ol’ Soren Landitt, and his boys, hosted a “Sweetwater...

Pear Crisp

The next few weeks will begin a series of recipes leading up to Thanksgiving.  They are a collection of brand new dishes that I...

Dismantling the free market

The "liberal" label has been slapped on those who favor public schools, public highways, Social Security and the simpler programs of Medicare and Medicaid....

For The Love Of Horses

Redfield Rancher Is Family Man Demanded In Arena As Professional Rodeo Pickup Man By Frank J. Buchman “It’s an exciting job that I really enjoy doing.” Andy Eck...


            Halloween masks and costumes have changed over the years since I was trick or treating in the 50's. Okay……. the last time I...

Awesomely Possumly

Popular descriptive words and phrases come and go with generations. When I was a kid they were fairly mundane, like neat, cool or far-out....

My Iron In The Fire

One of the rites of passage of a cowboy's life is the day you get your own brand. I remember the first time I...
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