KSFGC annual conference accepting online registration


Register online for Dec. 9 meeting


The Kansas Forage and Grassland Council will hold its Winter Conference and Annual Meeting on Dec. 9 at Kansas Farm Bureau Headquarters, 2627 KFB Plaza, Manhattan. Advance registration is $65 and can be paid online through the KSFGC website. Registration at the door is $85. Breakfast will be available at 8:15 a.m. with a hay buyer panel starting at 9:15 a.m. followed by several breakout sessions covering an assortment of alfalfa, forage production and grazing management issues presented by several industry experts; a Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan update and 2015 forage and alfalfa outlook. Registration and the full agenda can be found at www.ksfgc.org.

– See more at: http://www.kfb.org/news/kfbenews/index.html#sthash.SkgJ9vT6.dpuf


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