Pratt Soccer Teams Coach Local Kids

credit - Pratt Community College  

The Pratt Community College men’s and women’s soccer teams have spent their spring semester using their talents to give back to local youth.

Earlier this month, six players and two coaches traveled to Argonia, Kan. to put on a free youth soccer clinic. Approximately 50 kids were in attendance, and the clinic was deemed a huge success. Assistant Soccer Coach Mike Daniels noted that it was encouraging for rural towns to have such a showing of support for the sport.

“It was evident that all of the kids had a really good time,” said Daniels. “That is of huge importance for kids this age when introducing them to the sport.”

On March 23 and 24, the teams threw a similar clinic for the Pratt Recreation Commission. Even more youth showed up, with each day bringing in nearly 60 kids.

“It is really fun being able to see these kids have such a great time with us and our sport,” said Head Coach Kevin Kewley. “Giving back to our community is very important to us. We also use this as a learning tool for our current players. Giving them the responsibility to manage and instruct groups of kids is a great opportunity that helps build leadership skills.”

Several of the players who helped with the clinics will spend the rest of the semester serving as referees during the kid’s spring soccer season. Community service is an integral part of Pratt athletics as it helps develop several service learning initiatives, and the coaches believe that the skills that are learned will help better serve their players later in life.

Soccer clinics are just one of the ways that PCC celebrates being part of the Pratt community. Our mission is maximum student learning, individual and workforce development, high quality instruction and service, and community enrichment. Each year, the members of the PCC family contribute more than 13,000 hours in community service and engagement to South Central Kansas. Our middle name is community.


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