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First Aid for Storm-Damaged Trees

Hank Stelzer Forestry State Specialist School of Natural Resources In the aftermath of a severe ice or wind storm, many homeowners ask a simple question about their...

Winterizing Strawberry Plants

Winter can be a difficult time for strawberries in Kansas. Plants need time to become adjusted to cold weather and will gradually become more...

Fire Blight

Fire blight is a bacterial disease affecting apple, crabapple, pear, hawthorn, pyracantha (firethorn) and related species. The bacteria commonly overwinter in cankers (sunken diseased...

Garden Soil Preparation – It’s Not Too Late

Autumn is an excellent time to add organic materials and till garden soils. Winter can still be a good time to take care of...

Water Landscape Plants Before Winter

This has been a dry fall for much of Kansas.  Watering now is important if soils are dry to help alleviate moisture stress. ​ A good,...

Get the Know on Flowers this Season

ORNAMENTALS Water Landscape Plants Before Winter This has been a dry fall for much of Kansas.  Watering now is important if soils are dry to help alleviate...

Winterizing Roses

Though most shrub roses are hardy in Kansas, other types of roses can be more tender. For example, the hybrid teas have certain species...

Two generations of elm leaf beetles in Kansas

There are normally two generations of this insect in Kansas with this being the second generation. All species of elms are attacked, but Siberian...

Ideas to help protect your garden from grasshoppers

We have received a number of calls on grasshoppers recently. Permethrin (numerous trade names) is a good choice for vegetable crops because it is labeled...

Kansas weather resulting in peony “measles”

The weather this summer has resulted in many peonies catching the "measles." This is a disease, also known as red spot, that causes distinct,...

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