Kansas State University Extension Addresses Grand Challenges Facing Kansas


Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act, the founding legislation of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System

Most Kansans may not realize the significance of a congressional act signed 100 years ago.

In 1914, U.S. Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia and U.S. Representative A. F. Lever of South Carolina authored the Smith-Lever Act to expand the “vocational, agricultural and home demonstration programs in rural America.” The act assured delivery of research-based knowledge of the land-grant universities to people where they live and work.

This mission enables Kansas State University through its K-State Research and Extension program to enrich the lives of Kansans. Extension focuses its work on finding solutions for topics important to Kansans, using its statewide network to share information.

Nationally, celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Extension System are taking place May 8, 2014.

“As a system, K-State Research and Extension works with Kansas farmers and ranchers to improve practices, establishing Kansas as the breadbasket of the world,” said John Floros, director of K-State Research and Extension and dean of the College of Agriculture. “Our families programs help people lead productive lives, while 4-H programs lead youth into adulthood.”

“Our citizens have told us there are five grand challenges facing Kansas. We built our strategic plan around finding solutions to these challenges, Floros said.

Grand Challenges Facing Kansas.

Kansas extension programs and efforts are focused on these five areas, Floros said.

*   Global Food Systems: With a goal of feeding the world’s growing population, work focuses on improved food and agricultural systems.

*   Water: With an eye on the future, efforts look at decreasing water needs or costs for livestock, crop production and municipal water systems.

*   Health: Quality of life, healthy development and behaviors for all life stages to reduce health problems and associated costs are the focus of programs.

*   Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Kansas looks to emerging leaders to lead the state forward. 4-H youth are learning leadership skills. Other efforts assist Kansas’s community leaders with economic development issues.

*   Community Vitality: Kansas’s rural, suburban and urban communities face many challenges. A variety of extension programs work to enrich Kansas communities.

Volunteers Critical to Program.

“We aren’t going to solve these challenges alone,” said Daryl Buchholz, associate director for extension and applied research. We work with agencies, organizations, business, industry, thousands of volunteers, and Kansas’s citizens. Through these efforts, we develop and share research-based knowledge for lifelong pursuits.”

Locally elected boards and program development committees work with local extension agents and specialists to determine programs to address critical needs of their community. Serving on these committees provides local citizens with an opportunity to help their communities.

“This is a hallmark of Kansas extension programs,” said Chuck Otte, Geary County extension agent. “Our local citizens work with agents to develop local extension programs with planned events, activities and strategies. All are focused on a common outcome for their communities. And it is backed by science-based education.”



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