Decoding Laundry Labels


Laundry is one of the necessary jobs that make the household run smooth.  Did you receive some clothing for Christmas that have a care label with symbols instead of written instructions to laundry?

Following the care label instructions is important for the garment to continue looking nice and last longer.  Here is a website with pictures for care instructions.  I hope this helps.  Some of the symbols were easy to interpret but with others I didn’t have any idea what they were telling me!

In 1971 the Federal Trade Commission issued the Care Labeling Rule.  This rule said that manufacturers must have a tag in their clothing with at least one safe cleaning method.  Beginning July 1, 1997, manufacturers could use certain care symbols in place of the words on these care labels.  The symbols and their written meaning were required for the next eighteen months.  After January 1998 either written or symbols must be provided by the manufacturer but they don’t have to put both on.

So if you have an item to wash and the label only shows symbols print this helpful chart and keep it in your laundry area for your reference. If you have any questions about laundry and stain removal call Susan at the K-State Research and Extension Office 316-284-6930.  Or stop by and pick up a copy of the Laundry Guide to Common Care Symbols.


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