Wichita: 15th Annual Tree Festival Approaches


 Saturday, April 2nd

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sponsored by Sedgwick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and K-State Research & Extension – Sedgwick County

Trees are an investment in our landscape, for both financial and aesthetic reasons, and choosing, planting, and maintaining the best trees for our local conditions is important.  Tree Fest will feature information on choosing, planting and maintaining trees that provide an important element for our quality of life and that are well-suited for our area of Kansas.

Tree care professionals will be on hand at the 2016 Tree Festival to share their advice on these topics, and more, on Saturday, April 2nd at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center located at 21st and Ridge Road north in Wichita.

Seminars include appropriate topics for both the homeowner and commercial audience.  Plant vendors from around the region will have unique trees an plants for sale.  Admission is FREE.  Click on the link below for a flier with more information.

15th Annual Tree Festival Flier

For questions, please contact Matt McKernan at 316-660-0140 or email him at [email protected].


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