Kansas Wildfire Update


Roger Ringer sent out his firsthand account of Kansas Wildfires  early this morning.

MORNING UPDATE: The sun will be up soon and there will be quite a sight for the residents of Barber County. The prayer for much needed moisture was answered overnight. It just let up here and it is in the form of two inches of snow. The firefighters who worked overnight with flareups and spotting smokers are still out there but the radio traffic has died down and I am sure there is a big sigh of relief. While you sleep around the clock there are people in the EOC and in the field who are helping us be secure. We have been so fortunate here on the hill that we almost feel guilty. Our part of the county was spared from the fire. With club feet and no energy all I can do is tell you what is going on and how fortunate we are to live in a state who puts everything aside to help a neighbor. Many are wondering where everyone came from. I have heard and seen units from towns I have not heard of. In the same radio traffic, and on the road, I have heard and seen Johnson County, Sedgwick County, Marshall County,

Ellinwood, Wellington, Atlanta, Anderson County, and the list goes on. What a glorious Easter to have so many still here. We will soon be a footnote in the news and history. We will still need a lot more moisture, but we are blessed. Hay, fencing supplies, milk replacer, mineral, equipment, manpower, and all things needed to recover from this are on their way or here. There is a huge job yet of locating, treating, or putting down injured animals. The miles of fence that need to be replaced in a couple weeks is not even calculated. The best estimate from a local rancher is that over 6 million dollars in fencing alone county wide. And do not forget that Comanche and Woods Counties are dealing with this also. In the end prayers are the most needed. And a big thank you to all who are concerned and following the story and sending whatever you can.


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