Buhler FFA Member Completes Service as Kansas FFA Vice President


Bailey Peterson, from the Buhler FFA chapter, completed her term as State FFA Vice President after helping lead the 88th Kansas FFA Convention June 1-3, 2016, on the Kansas State University campus. Peterson represented more than 8,850 Kansas FFA members during her 2015–16 term.

After being elected State FFA Vice President in May 2015, Peterson traveled across the state sharing her passion for leadership, service and agriculture. She was one of six officers who presented workshops and speeches challenging high school students to serve their community in the spirit of this year’s convention theme, “Amplify.”

Peterson marked the completion of her year of service by presenting her retiring address titled “An Empty Room” at the fourth session of the convention, Thursday, June 2, 2016. To watch the video of her address, visit kansasffaconvention.wordpress.com.

Peterson will be a sophomore majoring in agricultural education and agricultural economics at Kansas State University this fall. Her other activities include Ag Ambassadors, Silver Key and Alpha of Clovia. She is the daughter of Merrill and Joy Peterson, and her advisors are Justin Seuser, John Clark and Robby Gray.

The 2015–16 Kansas FFA State Officer team included: President Karl Wilhelm, Holton FFA; Vice President Bailey Peterson, Buhler FFA; Secretary Dean Klahr, Holton FFA; Treasurer Lane Coberly, Chapman FFA; Reporter Kyler Langvardt, Chapman FFA; and Sentinel Gabryelle Gilliam, Washington County FFA.

Photos available upon request. E-mail [email protected] or go to flickr.com/ksffa for photos.


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