The Heavens Declare the Glory of God


By: Tonya Stevenson

Tonight it was already dark before I got out, to bring in my milk cow for my bummed calf to suck.  Ellie is a little notorious to hide, especially in the dark.  I am trotting around the pasture bareback on a blue roan mare that I haven’t ridden bareback a lot, straining to identify dark shapes in a black pasture.  Unable to time the pivot heads we took a soaking crossing under. Can’t spot anything up at Reservoir, turning toward the northeast corner I think I see the dark forms of what I hope are the cows, but as I grow nearer the whinnying and pounding of hooves make obvious it is the horses instead.  My mare gets a little antsy and I pull her off to the side, so as not to chase the herd.  Continuing back under the pivot for another drenching, I head back toward the barn wondering where the cows could be.  Then I spy dark shadows, not far from where I had ridden out.  Wandering through the herd I pick out the lightest colored one and head her to the barn.

After putting my horse up, I go back to turn the calf in on the cow only to discover no calf in the shed or pen.  I had let her out of the shed so she could run around and apparently she had escaped.
“Well,” I think, I’ll never find and bring in that black calf in the dark.”  Then I hear a bawl and two figures emerge from the dark, a yearling and a calf. “Thanks, Lord.” I halter my cow and open the gate and drive the calf in, cutting off the yearling.

In the quiet of the evening as I wait for the calf to finish her dinner, I look up into a clear sky.  Almost directly above me is the big dipper, and a nearly half moon to the west.   A serene clear night full of brilliant stars; but as I gaze around the panorama in the south-east the sky is ripped by continuous lightning bolts illuminating heavy clouds, a spectacular violent display, changing instantaneously jagged strike after  jagged strike.  In the north-east a similar but lesser storm pops.  I was too far away to hear their thunder, thus it gave more the impression of a majestic fireworks show, while my two thirds of the sky remains a beautiful quiet night.  I marveled at the unique sight before me silently praising God for the ever changing beauty of his creation, as I have so many times before.

As I watched I thought of our world, so rocked by hate and violence, yet in Christ we can know that peace that passes understanding and still marvel and be thankful for a thousand simple blessing every day.  We can rest in His finished work on our behalf for all eternity.

Yes, I was blessed tonight as, “The heavens declared the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1

photo credit – Dhinal Chheda


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