Why is “NO” your toddler’s favorite word?


Does your two-year-old child say “no” to almost everything you ask, even to things she wants to do? Does your child only want to do things his way? Toddlers in this stage are learning to think for themselves and seeing how it feels to make decisions of their own. They try to assert themselves by saying “no.” This is a normal part of child development and it begins the transition from babyhood to childhood…

As children learn more verbal and motor skills, their “no’s” will decrease. It is important for parents to be firm but patient, and look for safe and reasonable opportunities to help their child grow to independence…

For a list of tips to help parents during the terrible and terrific toddler years, see the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/parentingarticles/parenting101.htm

Nina Chen, Ph.D., CFLE, former Human Development Specialist, University of Missouri Extension


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