The Covered Dish: Fresh Peach Pie



Debbie Dance Uhrig

All week at work I have talked about ‘fresh peach pies.’  My assistant, Bonnie, said she had never had one before.  Well in the next week or so I’m going to surprise her with this delicious recipe for peach pie.  A fresh peach pie is one where the interior is not baked.  Much like a fresh strawberry pie.  In fact, once you take a look at the peach crust you may want to use it with your next fresh strawberry pie.

The older we become the more we remanence about times past.   Unfortunately I’ve been looking back for what feels like forever.  Telling stories about the good ole’ days feels good, and it reminds us just how wonderful life could be.  The peach pie recipe came about because I was talking about the ice cream socials held at the city park in Lewistown, Missouri.  All the churches would go together and 4-5 families per church would bring freezers of homemade ice cream.  If you didn’t bring ice cream then pies and cakes were the assigned desserts.  They did a suggested donation of some sort, and the monies collected went to help within the community.   The best part was seeing everyone from town gathering in a unified effort.  Then there were the lights.  Big bald yellow light bulbs were strung throughout one corner of the park.

A safe atmosphere for families and a wonderful place to grow up.  (Even if I did move away!)  It will always be home.

As I looked through this recipe tonight I realized peach jello was implemented.

Because I don’t purchase a great deal of jello, I’m not sure how easy this will be to locate.  If you can’t find the jello use unflavored gelatin and a bit of peach extract or emulsion.  Another ingredient in the filling that could cause some question is the light corn syrup.   Try brown rice syrup instead of the corn syrup.   If you’ve never tried brown rice syrup, gear up for a bit of research.  You may find you like this sweet alternative.  Try not to purchase at a health food store, look into the local big ‘W’ instead.  I almost forgot, blueberries, drop in a cup of blueberries for another version of this pie.

My screened in porch has been calling me, but without a cool breeze it’s just overwhelming.  Take the indoor time to create a new dish or visit with a friend.

Check out a local flea market and re-invent with your treasures.  Work on Christmas Cards while the weather is keeping you inside.  Make a batch of jam.  OK, have I given you enough ideas yet?  Keep busy and push forward.  Simply yours, The Covered Dish.

Fresh Peach Pie


1 cup flour

1 stick butter

3 ½ tablespoons powdered sugar


1 cup granulated sugar

3 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

1 cup water

Dash of salt

3 tablespoons peach jello

Dash of cinnamon

5-6 fresh ripe peaches

For the crust; mix all the ingredients together and press into a 9 inch pie pan.  Bake for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.  I suggest cutting the butter into the dry ingredients.  In a saucepan place the sugar, cornstarch, corn syrup, water and salt and bring to a boil; stirring constantly.  Cook until thick and remove from heat, adding the jello and cinnamon.  When the filling has cooled stir in the peaches and cover with the sauce.  Pour into the cooled pie crust and refrigerate.  Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.




  1. Appreciate your column. I am glad I waited to make this till you had included the cream cheese layer in a later column. This is a keeper for sure. I made one pie for a friend, and shared another with my daughter and her husband. And all wanted the recipe. My friend especially liked the crust. “It was like eating a sugar cookie”. Thanks again.


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