Ag Heritage Park To Celebrate Alta Vista Old Settler’s Day; Saturday, September 23


Ag Heritage Park announces a schedule of events to honor Alta Vista’s 130th anniversary this Old Settler’s Day, Saturday, September 23rd. Folks are invited to “step back in time” and view numerous items on display that represent rural ag life 130 years ago, and at 1:30 p.m. see vintage corn picking equipment in action.

Other activities include a geocache “how-to” program at 9:30 a.m., with a local geocacher that will explain the sport of geocaching that is enjoyed world-wide. Ag Heritage Park is a cache location, one of many local caches of the area.

Ag Heritage Park tractors will take part in the traditional Old Settler’s Day Parade at 11:00 a.m., and invite other tractor enthusiasts to gather at Ag Heritage Park at 10:30 to line up. The corn picking demonstrations scheduled for 1:30 p.m. will be held at a neighboring field with the location to be announced.

A barn quilt painting demonstration will take place at 2:00 p.m. with a 4’ x 4’ barn quilt drawing at 3:30 p.m. Barn quilt tickets, which benefit Ag Heritage Park, will be available at the Park on Old Settler’s Day, and are available by mail. Ag Heritage Park displays barn quilts on two museum buildings that are listed with the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail.

Ag Heritage Park, handicap accessible, located at 103 S Main, Alta Vista, will be open from 8 – 5, Saturday, September 23rd on Old Settler’s Day. Snacks and drinks will be available all day.

Please follow and Ag Heritage Park Facebook for updated details on the schedule of events, or call Kirby Zimmerman at 620-767-2714.



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