Women in Agriculture: Supplementing Farm Income while keeping up with Farm Wife Responsibilities


Supplementing Farm Income while keeping up with Farm Wife Responsibilities is the topic of this fall’s Saline County Women in Ag meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 7. The speaker will be Katie Sawyer, District Director for U.S. Congressman Roger Marshall and farm wife.


Katie is a city-girl turned farm wife and is still trying to find her way in the agriculture world.  She maintains a blog detailing her life as a farm wife and rural resident and is active with farm advocacy groups.  Learn about ways to supplement farm income, while still maintaining farm wife responsibilities.


If you are a woman involved in agriculture, whether producer, spouse, or landlord, or are interested in learning more, plan to attend this free Women in Ag program.  The session will be at American Ag Credit at 925 W. Magnolia, Salina, KS.  Registration begins at 6 p.m. followed by the meeting at 6:30 pm. Drinks and dessert will be served. Pre-registration is requested.  Call the K-State Research & Extension office in Salina, at 785-309-5850 by November 1 to register.


This Women in Ag meeting is sponsored by K-State Research & Extension-Central Kansas District, Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, American Ag Credit, Saline County Conservation District, and Saline County Farm Bureau.


Karen Borcherding

District Manager

Saline County Conservation District

1410 E Iron St., Suite 12

Salina, KS 67401

785-825-8269 ext. 337

[email protected]


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