Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center to hold Open House


WICHITA, Kan.. On November 1, 2017, the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center will hold an open house. Veterans and members of the public who wish to attend can simply come to the Dole VAMC at Bldg. 1 in the main foyer. The open house will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Information will be available to Veterans and the public on services such as Primary Care and Behavioral Health, and Health Benefits information will also be provided. Staff will be available to answer questions, and two guided walking tours will be conducted by medical center staff at Noon and 1 p.m.


At Noon, visitors can see the new Imaging Building housing the PET/CT (Positron Emission Tomography/Computer Technology) scanner. This state-of-the-art equipment can depict spatial distribution of biochemical activity in the body and provide three-dimensional imaging for greater accuracy in making diagnoses. This technology makes the Dole VAMC a leader in Kansas medical arts.


At 1:00 p.m., visitors can see the new Dole VAMC Primary Care building. Constructed in Classical / Revival Architecture (popular in the 1930s), the interior has 23,500 square feet for a modern, two-storied building with plenty of light. There are 27 examining rooms accessible to eight Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACT) composed of assorted patient care providers. If you missed seeing the building at the ribbon cutting, here’s your chance.


Members of the media who wish to attend must contact Rob Cain, Public Affairs Officer, at 316-685-2221, X53064.





About the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center

The Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center is a Joint Commission accredited, level 1C facility located in Wichita, Kansas that provides a full range of patient care services including medicine, surgery, outpatient psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, cardiology, neurology, oncology, dentistry, visual impairment and low vision rehabilitation, spinal cord dysfunction, traumatic brain injury management, poly-trauma clinic, pain management, post-traumatic stress disorder treatment, homeless services, mental health intensive case management, prosthetics/orthotics, and extended care services.


The Wichita VA Medical Center, The University of Kansas School of Medicine and Wichita State University maintain long-standing affiliation partnership agreements for academic purposes of enhanced patient care, education and research. The medical center is part of VHA VISN 15 Heartland Network, which includes the Eastern Kansas Health Care System (Topeka & Leavenworth), Kansas City, Columbia, St. Louis, Marion, and Poplar Bluff VA Medical Centers. The geographic region includes Kansas, Missouri, southern Illinois, and southern Indiana.



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