A Cowboy’s Faith


Everybody Has Made Mistakes

“The more one does the more mistakes that can be and often are made.”

Nobody wants to make errors and most do their best to prevent them.

However, anybody claiming to have never made a mistake is not telling the truth.

While certain inaccuracies can have long term detrimental impacts, in reality most errors are quite insignificant.

From an early age, blunders are made from adding wrong on a math test to knocking over the milk pitcher.

Slip-ups are common in athletics those with the least often become a star sometimes happenstance more than ability.

Certainly as a lifelong horseback rider and professional trainer for decades, many mistakes have been made handling horses.

Every mistake has a certain impact yet most can be overcome with correction and positive reinforcement moving forward. The smarter the horse, sometimes the dumber the horse, the more difficult it is to forget wrongdoing.

Horseshow judges and sports officials make mistakes despite every effort against it. Having professionally adjudicated horses statewide and throughout the country sadly many wrong decisions have been made.

Sometimes it’s been strictly an inaccurate prejudiced opinion, but one that is hauntingly remembered many years gone by.

Scary thing about officiating with modern technology is that an immediate assessment can be replayed and be officially declared wrong. An official making the call is made look bad when it’s really a judgmental decision as seen from that perspective.

Having been in the professional media business since high school, as a writer and editor, there have been many inaccuracies.

In reality most of them are never known by readers, but usually always found by a conscientious writer after the story comes off the press.

Errors are very commonplace in print publications seeming to have increased in the computer internet age.

Proofreaders are virtually unknown in some major print offices so writings go to press without corrections. Editors are always busy with past due deadlines, a button punch fills the hole, and presses run.

Misspelled words are still the most common errors despite computers helping reduce that number. Wrong information remains a problem with many reasons behind the mistakes.

There is no easy answer except admit, try harder and do the best possible.

Reminded of First Corinthians 11: “No one is exempt from mistakes to be learned from and not repeated.”



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