Scalloped Carrots


Usually as we approach Easter Sunday and the big Easter dinner I have all kinds of dishes in which to tantalize our guests.  This year, as in many homes, it will just be the 3 of us. I’ve started planning our meal, and it will have special touches. Not the ‘big’ menu varieties, but a little something extra.  I’ve decided to bake the scalloped carrots because everyone loves them. This year the deviled eggs will take a back seat, as I’m the only one, of the three, that enjoys them. The ham is in the freezer and I’m trying to decide on the potato dish.  


Dessert, well that may be a homemade banana cream pie, which my husband, Ervin, has been requesting.  I’m thinking homemade bread or hot rolls sound good. Along with a 7-layer green salad, rather traditional, but enjoyed by all.


Even with just our small families present we have our work cut out for us.  The conversation……we need to bless the food and then steer all conversations away from Covid19.  How about doing Easter memories? I have so many wonderful stories about Easter, I wouldn’t know where to begin.  Mostly I remember rising at 5am so we were at church for an all-denomination 6am sunrise service! Our town of 500 only had 3 churches when I was a young girl.  Following the service we had an Easter breakfast at one of the other churches. One year in my early twenties I let go of my ‘Music Director’ hat and assisted in cooking breakfast.  

I was in heaven!!  When I look back at that Easter morning, I smile from ear to ear and rejoice for the memories.


Another year when I was around 8-10 I had chicken pox on Easter Sunday.   Oh I was so upset, I was convinced the Easter Bunny wouldn’t come see me because I was contagious!  


OK, hold on, 2 more for the road.  Mother made all my Easter dresses up until I reached the age of 18.  Not only did we have new dresses for Easter Sunday, but also for Palm Sunday.   My father, Jerry, had another tradition that was rather special. Every Easter he bought a corsage for mom, 2 smaller ones for the girls and a boutonniere for my brother!  I never wore many Easter bonnets, but I sure had my share of Easter flowers. Spoiled, some would say, but it was a time of the year I felt treasured.


Why not bring special ‘duds’ to the table this Sunday, even if it’s just one or two of you dining.  A real napkin, no paper this time. Something different on the table, maybe a fresh bloom from outside.  Change the dishes out, try the good dishes or mix and match what you have. Read the Easter story together from the Bible.  For the little ones go on line and get the story about the ‘Egg’ and how it symbolizes our Christian faiths.  


If it’s not raining I’m going to go outside, sit in the sunshine and soak up the rays.  Guess I better remind the rest of the family of this plan too!


Enjoy the carrot casserole.  As I cook for my family this week I’ll be thinking about all of you and praying for continued safety and strength.  He is Risen, he is risen, indeed! Simply yours, The Covered Dish.


Cheese Scalloped Carrots


12 medium carrots, sliced 1/4- 1/2 inch thick

1/4 cup butter

1 small onion, minced

1/4 cup flour

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

2 cups milk

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon celery salt

1/2 pound sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

3 cups buttered bread crumbs


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Pre-cook carrots for 15-20 minutes, drain.  Place butter and minced onion in a medium saucepan and cook 2-3 minutes.  Add the flour, salt, mustard, and milk. Cook, stirring mixture until nice and smooth; add the celery salt and pepper.  In a 2 quart casserole, place a layer of carrots, layer of cheese. Repeat until both are used, ending with carrots on top.  Pour on the sauce, top with the crumbs. Bake uncovered 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serves eight persons.  



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