It was a good year for Kansas canola


MANHATTAN, KS – Kansas farmers know well that having a bountiful crop year is pretty exciting. So, a Kansas State University agronomist said this year’s winter canola likely brought a few smiles.
Mike Stamm said that the combination of cool temperatures in April and May and the resulting extended bloom allowed the crop to grow and produce well.
“It really was an exceptional year for canola yields,” he said.
The cool weather helped canola’s growth and extended bloom period, according to Stamm.
“That extended grain fill that we had based on those cooler temperatures added to the density and number of pods we had in the field as well as pod size. All those different yield factors really contributed to high yields,” he said.
“The crop filled in the empty space like I had never seen before and we just had these huge, dense canopies, especially in the central and northern part of the state.  I think that had a lot to do with (increased yields).”
Adequate moisture allowed the crop to withstand the frigid conditions that took place in February.
“When we went out to rate winter survival, we really didn’t see any winter kill because of that major cold snap,” Stamm said.
Other factors contributing to high yields, according to Stamm, include the canola varieties grown, management, getting a good stand and the environment.
“As we move north in the state, the yields start to increase,” said Stamm
In addition, he said canola crops were “outstandingly consistent” across the fields.
For example, he said, the yields reached 70-80 bushels in Manhattan. “I got to run the combine for most of the harvest and it was encouraging to see the yield consistency,” he said.
Stamm recently published a report on this year’s canola crop in the eUpdate newsletter, available weekly from K-State’s Department of Agronomy. The newsletter is available for weekly delivery by email, or available online.
Stamm also recently discussed the winter canola yields on a recent edition of the weekday radio program, Agriculture Today, available online.


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