McPherson Community Calendar of Events

McPherson Community Events


Information was provided by the McPherson Chamber of Commerce.

All event information is available at



McPHERSON EXHIBITS                                                                              


McPherson Museum & Arts Foundation, 1111 E. Kansas Ave. Museum hours: Monday-Friday: 1 p.m.-5 p.m. / Saturday from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Don’t miss the McPherson Globe Refiners exhibit documenting the first gold medal basketball team awarded in Olympic history and the Museum’s permanent “hands-on” model train exhibit. 620-241-8464.  


One Door North, The Gallery of The Clayworks, 107 N. Main. 620-504-6550 An entrepreneurial creation of Disability Supports of the Great Plains, offering individuals with disabilities the chance to explore their own unique creativity and artistic expression using different media – such as clay, painting, and drawing. 


OTHER AREA EXHIBITS                                                                              


Canton Stars and Stripes Military Museum, 104 W. Allen, in Canton. Exhibits include memorabilia from all military branches. Open for all Military and Patriotic Holidays or by appointment620-628-4484 


Galva Historical Museum, 204 S. Main, in Galva. Documenting Galva’s history as well as surrounding country schools, displays of past businesses, and information regarding the Cherokee and Santa Fe Trail. Hours: 1st Sunday: 2 p.m.-4 p.m.; 2nd Saturday: 10 a.m.-noon; 3rd Thursday: 7 p.m.-9 p.m., or by appointment. 620-654-3343 


Inman Museum, 101 N. Main, in Inman.  Sunday 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m., or by appointment. 620-585-6756 or 620-585-6477.  The museum has a life-size village square with six buildings constructed with 100-year-old materials, a restored train deport complete with a caboose, and a full early prairie homestead.


Kansas Motorcycle Museum, 120 N. Washington, in Marquette. Hours:  Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.785-546-2449 or Three galleries that are home to over 100 vintage and rare motorcycles of various makes and models, motorcycle racing memorabilia, photos, clothing, trophies, and posters. 


Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum, 120 Mill St., in Lindsborg. Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Sundays and County holidays. For more information go online to 785-227-3595  

Birger Sandzén Art Gallery- 401 N. First St., in Lindsborg. 785-227-2220. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. / Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. To view online work from Sandzén’s early, middle, or later years or to see selections from the gallery’s other collections visit their website at  


The Cole House, 405 E. Cole St. in Moundridge. Tours are available by calling 620-345-2427. Be sure to also visit the Moundridge Depot Museum, which is also open by appointment only for tours.



Thursday, August 11th
Concerts for a Cause – 7:00 p.m. at Hopps Sound, 214 E. Euclid. Free and open to the public. Bring your lawn chairs & blankets, sit back, and enjoy some great music by EGK. Stop by and support Supply Train.


Friday, August 12th

Back to School Event – 5:30 p.m. at Riverside Park, 520 S. First St., Lindsborg. Students can receive a meal, school supplies, and a haircut for free. At 7:00 p.m. there will be a free community swim.


Saturday, August 13th

12th Annual Co-Ed Mud Volleyball Tournament – 8:00 a.m. at Wolverine Sports Complex, 310 Harold St., Marquette. Marquette Recreation Commission will be hosting a 24-team pool play tournament. Must have 3 men and 3 women on the court at all times. 6 games guaranteed. Call Marquette City Hall for registration and questions – (785) 546-2205.


First Annual McPherson America Legion Car Show – 8 a.m. McPherson American Legion, 401 N. Main. Free dash plaques to first 100 entries. Trophies for many classes.  All vehicles welcome. Registration is the day of event starting at 7 a.m. Food and drink will be available for purchase during the event. 


Thursday, August 18th

Dead Towns in Kansas – 7:00 p.m. at the Wellness Center at The Cedars, 1021 Cedars Drive. Amy Bickel, from Hutchinson, will be coming to share tales of towns that used to be! Amy has traveled around Kansas gathering information and history about “dead towns.” She has pictures to show and stories to tell.  You’re sure to hear about towns from your past that you know about that are no longer there. 


Family Night at the American Legion – 5:00 p.m. at the McPherson American Legion, 401 N. Main St. Come get a hamburger or hot dog, fries, drink, and dessert for the low price of $5. Proceeds from Family Night will benefit McPherson Hospital Volunteers.


Thursday, August 18th – Saturday, August 20th

Fall Open House– in McPherson. Individual store hours. Check out fall merchandise as you gather gift ideas for your family and back-to-school bargains. Citywide! A McPherson Main Street Promotion.


Friday, August 19th

Community Water Fight – 5:30 p.m. at Swensson Park, 400 block of N. Main St., Lindsborg. Bring your super soaker and join the Lindsborg Fire Department for this evening of back-to-school fun! Free hot dogs and a drawing for water guns provided by People’s Band and Trust! A wet zone will be set up for those participating and a dry zone for those that prefer to be bystanders only.


21st Annual Festival of Remembrance – 6:00 p.m. at Prairie Dunes Country Club, 4812 E 30th Ave, Hutchinson. You can purchase tickets to attend the event, purchase raffle tickets for the Grand Raffle items, or register to bid in the silent auction from the comfort of your own home. Go to and then click on events to register.


Saturday, August 20th

Fall Wildflower & Bison Tour– 8 a.m.-9:30 a.m. at the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, 2565 Pueblo Road, Canton. Board the tram for a ride through the Maxwell prairie to see fall wildflowers on one of Kansas’ last remaining native prairies. . Email reservation request to [email protected]  For more information visit the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge website at


Lindsborg Street Dance– 8-11 pm, 100 block of S. Main St., Lindsborg. Bring the family and your lawn chair and dance the night away to King Midas & The Muflers. 


Southern Gospel Concert – 4:00 p.m. at Elyria Christian School, 1644 Comanche Rd. Ernie Haase, Signature Sound, and Liberty Quartet will be in concert to support Elyria Christian School. Hamburger and hotdog meal available for purchase. A love offering will be received to benefit Elyria Christian School.

Concerts for a Cause – 7:00 p.m. at Hopps Sound, 214 E. Euclid. Free and open to the public. Bring your lawn chairs & blankets, sit back, and enjoy some great music by Kyle Killgore. Stop by and support Back to School Bash.


Sunday, August 21st

Community Wide Corn Hole Tournament and Tailgate – Inman City Pasture. A $10/team entry fee will be due before the start of the tournament. Winning team will get 50% of the earnings and the other 50% will be donated to Russ and Joan Goering. Along with the tournament there will be a variety of yard games, kickball, fishing, and water games for the kiddos. Tournament begins at 4pm and free will donation meal starting at 6pm.


Substance Use & HIPAA Know Your Rights and Training – 6:00 p.m. at MPNaz Church, 1455 N. Main St. Learn, discuss, and ask questions about your medical rights and when substance use is involved. There will be no sign ins or names taken. You will be able to come and go as you please. We hope you come and join us and hear about how we can help everyone have proper medical care. We will have a Q&A time as well.


Tuesday, August 23rd

Jones Family Applebee’s Fundraiser – 11:00 a.m. thru 11:00 p.m. at Applebee’s, 2280 E. Kansas Ave. Stop in at Applebee’s and order off their special menu to help the Jones Family. 50% of proceeds from Applebees will go to help the Jones Family.


Saturday, August 27

Marquette Meltdown Disc Golf Tournament – at the Marquette Disc Golf Course.


Tour DeMAC – 7:00 a.m. at 100 Northview Rd., Galva. Fundraiser ride to raise funds and awareness for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Ride 55, 25, or 15 miles on gravel roads. Register online at


Thursday, September 15th

McPherson Community First Responders Night 6-8 pm at Lakeside Park. Event coordinated by McPherson Police Department. Event is open and free to all community members. The public will have opportunities to watch drone and K-9 demonstrations, tour a helicopter, ambulance, and fire engines, complete Child Safety Identification Kids, dunk tank, bounce house obstacle courses, and receive a free meal. Questions, contact Mark Brinck, 620-245-1206.


Saturday, September 17th

Suicide Prevention & Resource Awareness Walk– Sponsored by the McPherson County Community Foundation. An event to honor those who have been lost to suicide. More information to follow.


Shred Day– 9 a.m.-11 a.m. at Citizens State Bank, 201 S. Christian Ave, Moundridge. Free and open to the public. A maximum of two boxes will be accepted. 


Car Show – Sponsored by McPherson Firemen’s Benefit Association at Lakeside Park, 511 N. Lakeside Dr. Registration of cars begin at 8:00 a.m. and costs $25 which includes dash plaque and goodie bag. Car show is from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Multiple awards will be given. There will be food trucks, raffles, and 50/50 drawing.


Saturday, September 24th

18th Annual Thunder on the Smoky Motorcycle Rally – Downtown Marquette. For more information go to


Canton Fall Market – 9 a.m to 3 p.m. at the McPherson County Fairgrounds, 1514 27th Ave, Canton. Canton, Kansas will be an exciting beehive of activity again for Canton Heritage Days on September 24! The fairgrounds will be the location for the annual Canton Fall Market, with a fabulous variety of fun and friendly indoor and outdoor vendors! Keep up-to-date on their Facebook event: Canton Fall Market.


Sunday, September 25th

McPherson’s 150 Celebration – Community Picnic. More information to follow. For updates on celebration events visit the Visit McPherson McPherson 150 Facebook page. 


Saturday, October 1st

Burnin’ Down Main Cook-Off– 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Downtown Plaza in McPherson. Soup & Chili Cook-Off. Entries open in September to anyone who wants to win great cash prizes. $5 sampling wristbands sold to public who vote for favorites. Live music and family fun! A McPherson Main Street Promotion.


Friday, October 7th – Sunday, October 9th

Mountain Man Fall Rendezvousat the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, 2565 Pueblo Road, Canton. A 3-day event. See 1800’s re-enactments and demonstrations. Bison tours provided on the hour starting at 10 a.m. Bluegrass music on Saturday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. On Saturday at 4:30 p.m. there will be a benefit auction with proceeds going to the Friends of Maxwell non-profit organization. Concessions on site. Free gate entry. For more information visit the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge website at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. 


Saturday, October 8th

Childbirth Class– 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at McPherson Center for Health, 1000 Hospital Drive. Childbirth class is an amazing time to learn more about what is going to happen when you come to the hospital to deliver. Call the Women’s Care and Birth Center at 620-514-2250 to register for classes or for more information. Financial assistance may be available to cover the cost of the class.


Sunday, October 9th

*MORE INFO* SERVE Day – First United Methodist Church, 1200 E. Kansas Ave. Come volunteer your time and help serve the community with the First United Methodist Church. Contact the church at 620.241.3636 to volunteer.


Tuesday, October 25th

Lecture on General James B. McPherson – 7:00 p.m. at Central Christian College in the Greer Auditorium, 1200 S. Main St. Dr. Woodworth, an OAH Distinguished Lecturer, author, coauthor, or editor of twenty-eight books on the Civil War era, will give a lecture on General James B. McPherson.


Thursday, October 27th

Trick or Treat Main Street– 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. (or until candy runs out!)  In Downtown McPherson. Trick or Treat with McPherson merchants up and down Main Street. Businesses are welcome to participate regardless of your location. A McPherson Main Street Promotion.


Tuesday, November 1st – Saturday, December 31st

Candy Cane Cash!– in McPherson. Shop local to check off your Christmas lists and get registered to win! Shop at participating stores November 1st through December 31st, 2022 and earn points to enter for the Candy Cane Cash. You could win a $1,000 OR $500 in Candy Cane Cash just for shopping locally!  A McPherson Chamber of Commerce & McPherson Main Street Holiday Promotion.


Thursday, November 3rd 

Snowball Drop– 5:30 p.m. at the McPherson Community Building, 122 E. Marlin. ADULTS can catch a numbered “snowball” and win shopping related prizes like coupons and gift cards to encourage shopping locally. Santa will be present to greet the kiddos. Part of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Main Street Holiday Promotion.


Thursday, November 3rd – Saturday, November 5th

Holiday Open House Weekend in McPherson– Start checking those lists for who’s naughty or nice and get an early start on your Christmas shopping! Sample treats and see what’s new this year at citywide locations. Individual store hours. Part of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Main Street Holiday Promotion.


Saturday, November 5th

Craft Fair – – 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the McPherson Community Building, 122 E. Marlin. Get ready for spring! Come check out the crafts, hand sewn items, face & skin care, kitchen supplies, nails, books, shirts & cups, wood working, and so much more from over 55 small businesses, direct sellers, and crafters. Free admission. For updates visit the Fall Shopping Craft Fair Facebook page.


Monday, November 7th

Vienna Boys Choir– 7:30 p.m. at the McPherson Opera House, 219 S. Main. The Vienna Boys Choir is comprised of 23-26 talented young singers from all over the world. Tickets for the concert can be purchased on the Opera House website at


Tuesday, November 8th

Mayor’s Cup Basketball Games


Friday, November 11th

Canton-Galva Elementary School Veteran’s Day Program – 2:30 p.m. at 116 S. Santa Fe, Galva. Veteran’s and guest are invited to attend Canton-Galva Elementary Veteran’s Day Program. We will be honoring Veterans through speech, song, and pictures. Please join us as we want to honor you and your service to our country.


Friday, November 11 & Saturday, November 12
Great Plains Nature Photographers 24th Annual Gathering– Friday will include a sunset tour at Maxwell Wildlife Refuge (limit 40). Guest speakers on Saturday morning and afternoon. Information and Registration at Great Plains Facebook group. Questions contact Jim Griggs 620-755-9737


Thursday, November 17th

Girl’s Night Out– 4 p.m.-9 p.m. in McPherson. Mark your calendars for a fun shopping outing with your friends! Do some shopping between 4 p.m.-8 p.m. and then come to the social gathering after stores close from 8 p.m.-9 p.m.  (Social gathering location TBA.)  Part of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Main Street Holiday Promotion.


Saturday, November 26th

Shop Small in Mac– Support our local stores as you shop for bargains citywide. Individual store hours. 


December 2022

Holiday Movies & Cookies with Santa. Join us for FREE movies at the McPherson Opera House, 219 S. Main, in December. “Cookies with Santa” will be Thursday evenings, Saturday mornings, and Saturday afternoons in December. Check Facebook for updates on “Cookies with Santa” locations, times, and the movie titles in October. Part of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce and McPherson Main Street Holiday Promotion.


Saturday, December 3rd

Christmas Wishes Arts & Crafts Festival – 9:00 a.m. at Canton-Galva High School, 506 S. Kansas Ave., Canton. Come and visit vendor booths for the perfect gifts and items! There are a wide range of items available including merchandise for the school, craft vendors, health and wellness vendors, wood making, ceramics, jewelry, artists, home goods, candles, blankets, and more! 


Saturday, December 10th

Main Street Mini-Main– 10:00 a.m.-1:00 pm. at the McPherson Community Building, 122 E. Marlin. A children’s’ shopping experience for Pre-K thru 5th Grade. Elves available to help kids shop. All items $10 and under. Free gift wrapping. Volunteers always needed. Santa sponsored by Compass Realty. A McPherson Main Street Promotion.


Old Fashioned Christmas on the Prairie– 10 a.m. at the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, 2565 Pueblo Road, Canton. An authentic Old-Fashioned Christmas on the Prairie. Take a 45-minute tram tour and see the Maxwell bison and elk herd. Upon your return enjoy Christmas cookies, hot cocoa, cider, or coffee while warming up around the Prairie Christmas Tree. A perfect family holiday outing. Reservations required. Email reservation request to [email protected]  For more information visit the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge website at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. 


Saturday, December 17th

Old Fashioned Christmas on the Prairie– 10 a.m. at the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, 2565 Pueblo Road, Canton. An authentic Old-Fashioned Christmas on the Prairie. Take a 45-minute tram tour and see the Maxwell bison and elk herd. Upon your return enjoy Christmas cookies, hot cocoa, cider, or coffee while warming up around the Prairie Christmas Tree. A perfect family holiday outing. Reservations required. Email reservation request to [email protected]  For more information visit the Maxwell Wildlife Refuge website at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. 




Saturday, January 14th – Monday, January 16th

Model Train Convention & ExpoThere will be some fantastic model train exhibits to check out, an opportunity for new hobbyists or experts to stock up on model railroad supplies, and a chance to help raise funds for several local organizations. Watch for updates on the McPherson County MakerSpace Facebook page.


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