Spring cleaning — in the freezer


Janet Hackert, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Harrison County, University of Missouri Extension

With spring upon us, this is a good time for spring cleaning — in the freezer that is.

If a freezer does not automatically defrost, it is a good idea to defrost it occasionally. Defrost manual models at least once each year or more often if the frost is 1/4-inch thick or more. Although it is most efficient to operate a freezer full or near full, the best time to defrost is when the freezer is somewhat empty. For food safety reasons, be sure the process takes two hours or less with food sitting out of the freezer.

Unplug the freezer for this process. Place frozen food in insulated coolers or in newspaper-lined cardboard boxes to keep food cold. Remove frost by following the manufacturer’s instructions. A plastic spatula or wooden spoon can be used to scrape out ice. And a towel in the bottom of the freezer can help catch water and frost as things melt…

For a cleaning solution to use and other tips for cleaning out the freezer, see the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/foodsafetyarticles/fdsfty57.htm


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