Get Your Motors Running Quickly This Spring


(NAPSI)—Forget about spotting the proverbial robin. For many, the first real sign of Spring is getting their lawn mower and other small-engine equipment out of storage and ready for the season.

But before you rev up the motor, it’s important to remember that your equipment has been sitting for months and you need to take proper steps to get it in working order.

Proper preparation yields a variety of benefits, including better performance, saved maintenance costs and maximizing the life of your machine.

To help get your machines ready for the season ahead, here are some tips to get you started.

  • Clean ‘em up. After sitting in a storage shed for a few months, your machines have likely acquired a nice layer of dust, dirt and grime. Make sure to do a thorough cleaning of the entire machine and check for any damage or possible blockages.
  • Never a dull moment. If you are working on your lawn mower, hedge trimmer or any other machine with a blade, the Spring tune-up is an excellent time to make sure it’s in prime cutting shape. The blade should be sharpened at least once a year. While the blade is off, it’s also a good time to finish cleaning the underside of the machine.
  • Don’t forget the filter. It’s a good idea to start the season with a clean filter. If the machine has a foam filter, you can clean it with soap and water. However, if it’s a paper filter, it’s best to replace it with a new one.
  • A well-oiled machine. Whether it’s a lawn mower, motorcycle or ATV, small-engine equipment will work better if it’s well lubricated, particularly if it has been in storage. Make sure to oil the wheel bearings and other moving parts.
  • Prepare your engine. To make sure your engine starts up on the first try this Spring, try a fuel additive such as Start Your Engines! It’s a fuel revitalizer designed for use with any small 2- and 4-cycle motors that have been sitting in storage and are ready to reactivate. Just pour it directly into the gas tank, and the engine should start up fast, hassle-free.

As an added bonus, it attacks and dissolves any gum or varnish buildup.

To learn more, visit


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