Gardening is healthy for people of all ages


When most people think about their garden, they think about the fresh vegetables they will be eating all summer. The vegetables are packed with good nutrients, but the garden provides many other benefits as well. Growing a garden provides your body with a good physical workout. Make gardening a family affair and all will harvest the benefits.

“Digging in the dirt is just plain fun for little children. Why not give them some seeds to put in that dirt to see what they can produce?” said Tammy Roberts, nutrition and health education specialist with MU Extension. If a child has grown and harvested their own food, they are much more likely to eat it. Also, learning to use small garden tools can be good for the development of gross and fine motor skills for children.

When we think about planning and caring for the garden, we are usually thinking about the healthful benefits of the food. Make no mistake; while you are paying attention to the chore at hand, your body is benefiting from a good workout as well…

For more on how gardening is beneficial for your body, your mind and your mood, see the full version of this article at


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