Fall Season Offers Unique Challenge

​​The limited license application deadline for fall turkey hunting, running September to October, is July 9. ​Draw results​  should be available July 27. ​Colorado Parks and Wildlife encourages sportsmen of all interests to give this unique challenge a try.
“Fall turkey hunting offers lots of opportunity to try diverse hunting techniques,” said Ed Gorman, CPW small game coordinator. “Hunters can pursue them in ways that are more characteristic of big-game hunting, like using the spot-and-stalk method or a blind on well used travel corridors and feeding sites.
Another technique, more common in other parts of the country, is purposely flushing a flock of turkeys and calling them back by imitating a lost turkey. Unlike spring turkey hunting, the calling is different because the hunter is imitating a lost turkey that wants to rejoin the flock rather than attract a mate.
Fall turkey offers great challenge and lots of opportunity because turkey populations are at their highest before the winter period begins.

Turkey Hunting 101 Clinics

If you are a novice turkey hunter and are interested in learning more, a free Turkey Hunting 101 clinic can give you a place to start. Hunting tips, how to obtain a license, calling techniques and gear used by the Colorado turkey hunter are covered. Learn about Rios and Merriam’s; how to roost a bird and learn to strut your stuff.

To find dates, locations and registration information, see outreach clinics.



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