Boost your health with blueberries


Few fruits are more beneficial for your health than fresh blueberries. The USDA ranks blueberries among the highest in terms of antioxidant content and as a powerful ally in fighting aging and associated ailments.

“Blueberries are not only a taste treat, but are really considered an antioxidant powerhouse,” says Lynda Johnson, R.D., nutrition & health education specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “The antioxidant anthocyanidin found in the bluish pigment helps neutralize free radicals that damage cells and protects our bodies from developing cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins and certain cancers,” Johnson states.

Blueberries are available fresh, frozen and dried, and all forms are rich sources of antioxidants. “Besides the phytonutrients, blueberries are a rich source of vitamins A & C, potassium and fiber, and they are low in calories, only 40 calories per half-cup serving,” says Johnson.

For additional information on the health benefits of eating blueberries, as well as tips for selecting, storing and using them, see the full version of this article at


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