Managing risk down on the farm


(NAPSI)—Historians estimate agriculture began about 12,000 years ago—and farmers have been struggling with risk and uncertainty ever since. These days, however, they can get some help.

The Problem

According to a recent survey, 73 percent of farmers are very or extremely concerned about managing financial risk while 90 percent are about commodity price fluctuations. Two out of three worry about yield uncertainty.

An Answer

That’s where crop insurance comes in, but crop insurance alone doesn’t ease the worry. Most of the farmers surveyed said for their own peace of mind, they want crop protection companies to partner with them in risk management.

In response, companies such as BASF Crop Protection bring together the best agronomic thinkers, practices, insights and inputs to help growers reach their maximum yield potential regardless of complications.

In fact, BASF invests $1.5 million a day globally in research and development to help growers reach a better crop future.

Learn More

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