Money talks: Using communication skills to discuss finances


Kim Allen, Ph.D., M.F.T., former State Specialist & Christina Crawford, M.A., former Extension Associate, Human Development & Family Studies, University of Missouri Extension

Have you and your partner ever fought over money? You are not alone — most couples have experienced arguments or have recurring conflict about money. Regardless of income, money is one of the most common causes of discord in a relationship. When money gets tight, the chance for conflict is even higher. However, there are some tips that can help when trying to discuss finances or other sources of conflict with your partner.

Use these SPEAK/HEAR skills to have a non-confrontational and productive discussion with your partner. Use the SPEAK skills to state your feelings, and then give your partner a turn and use the HEAR skills. When using the HEAR skills, you are only listening to your partner’s viewpoint, not sharing your own.

To learn more about these important skills for having productive, positive discussions, see the full version of this article at


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