BlackJack Saddle Club Announces Horseshow Lineup


This year’s lineup of horseshows scheduled by the BlackJack Saddle Club has been announced by Albert De La Garza, club president.

Kickoff show is Saturday, May 1st, at Cico Park in Manhattan starting at 9 o’clock, with entries accepted at 8 o’clock

Additional year’s schedule includes June 19, July 3, August 7, September 25, and October 2. All are set for 9 o’clock, at Manhattan’s Cico Park, with exception of the July show at the Flint Hills Cowboy Church Arena near St. George.

Rain dates for shows which could be canceled are May 15, and August 28. A Halloween Fun Day is planned October 30.

All shows will include performance events, both Western and English, as well as running competition, which starts after 2 o’clock. Age groups for each show are 18 and over, 13 to 17, eight to 12, and seven and under.

Award rosettes are to be awarded the top six placing entries in each class. All around awards will be presented to highpoint and reserve for both performance and speed events in each age category.

Points are tabulated for yearend club member awards, but every show is open to all exhibitors.

Advance entries are requested online with lower fees, while exhibitors can also enter show day. A negative Coggins test is required for all horses.

Additional information is available on Facebook where advance entries should be made, or by calling De La Garza at 785-323-7447.


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