Get On To Ride

A Cowboy’s Faith


“Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.”
Many people often postpone tasks until the following day.
Procrastination is a common fault when a job can be readily completed at the present time.
If something can be accomplished, it is always best to finish the project now instead of waiting until later.
Persistence is required for whatever the endeavor. Regardless of how easy it seems to postpone a job, there is always a feeling of satisfaction when it has been finished.
Getting on a colt for the first time is typically a difficult decision. Yet to ride a horse, it first must be mounted.
There are different philosophies on how that is to be accomplished. Typically, it can be done first bareback putting the bodyweight across the horse’s back.
Once the horse becomes accustomed to the weight, the entire body can be placed across the back. Generally, the horse will soon become relaxed with the extra weight.
After becoming accustomed to the body weight, it is best to expose the horse to the saddle blanket. It can be rubbed over the back and moved from side to side.
Saddle can be slowly and gently placed on the blanket and moved around. When the weight becomes familiar to the horse, the saddle girth can be snugged slightly under the horse’s stomach.
Pressure should be increased slowly so the saddle doesn’t readily shift if the horse moves. The saddled horse can be permitted to stand for an extended time to become more familiar to the feeling.
When the horse is used to the extra saddle movement, it is time to step up into the saddle. The best way is to get right on the horse and then get immediately off. Before long, the horse becomes used to the body weight and will stand contently.
The saddled horse can then be walked in a circle both directions before being encouraged to trot. Working slow pace, the horse ca be asked to increase speed moving into a relaxed cantor.
It’s time for the first ride best done in a small round pen. The horse is mounted at a stand still and then moved in a circle one short step. Moving slow and calm, the horse will soon move collected around the pen.
Reminded of Proverbs 25:15: “Patient persistence pierces through indifference.”


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