Salina Cowgirl Busy Serving As Miss Rodeo Junction City Kaitlyn Watkins is the 2023-24 Miss Rodeo Junction City.

For the Love of Horses


She was crowned at the Junction City Rodeo by 2022-23 Miss Rodeo Junction City Shelby Christmann.
“I’ve wanted this title ever since I got introduced to rodeo queens,” Watkins said. “I really cherish this title because of the DJ Prochaska Memorial. I grew up with the family and they are very good friends. I want to keep her memorial alive and make DJ proud.”
Daughter of Jennifer Godfrey, Queen Watkins is from Salina and attends Smoky Valley Virtual Charter School.
Active in 4-H horse activities, Watkins also competes in Eastern Kansas Horseman’s Association (EKHA) and National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA) shows.
“I ride in every class at the horse shows from English riding to hunter hack to Western pleasure, and all running events,” Watkins said.
She has claimed a room filled with yearend awards in both organizations. “Fortunately, I’m blessed with outstanding horses to be an all-round contestant,” Watkins credited.
While the EKHA state show has just been competed, Watkins is directing attention to showing at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. “I’ll be riding in nearly every division including English, Western rail classes, and the speed competitions,” Watkins said.
In addition to her equestrian skills, Watkins is also a musician, especially when playing the flute in band.
As if she isn’t busy enough, Queen Watkins is also employed at a diesel mechanics shop. “I don’t mind getting my hands dirty in order to get a job done,” she said.
Since coronation, Watkins has represented the Junction City Rodeo Association at a number of rodeos throughout the Midwest.
“My schedule is nearly overflowing with commitments representing the sport of rodeo,” she admitted. “I ride in most area fair and rodeo parades and carry the American flag at rodeo grand entries. I addition, I help move cattle during the rodeo performances and assist in every area where there is a need.
“Thank goodness Holly my horse puts up with everything I ask her to do,” the queen added.
Her royalty duties even go well beyond the rodeo arena as Watkins helped with the kid’s tractor pull during the Tri Rivers Fair at Salina. “That was an interesting and most enjoyable experience,” she admitted.
“After I pass this queen title down to the lucky girl next year. I plan on being more involved in 4-H,” Watkins said.
“A couple goals I have for the coming year is to get grand champion in the grand drive with show goats,” she stated. “I want to get a grand championship in every horse class at the state fair.”
According to Watkins, “A rodeo queen should be outgoing, compassionate, dependable, and I am doing my very best to fulfill those expectations.”
Optimistic for the sport of rodeo today and in the future, Watkins works to portray the Western way of life in every activity.
“Many people today really don’t’ understand the vast heritage which rodeo has, and I am proud to relate that information to them,” she said. “Despite my tight schedule, I welcome invitations to participate in community programs to represent and talk about the sport of rodeo.
While her current queen reign will run for one year, Watkins has no intention of slowing down her involvement with horses.
“I will be campaigning for the Miss Rodeo Kansas title and maybe even go on from there to national queen pageantry,” she said.
Horses will be in her future for a lifetime, Queen Watkins verified. “I enjoy working with all activities related to horses. I plan to continue competing in horse shows and rodeos throughout my adult life,” she exclaimed. “I also want to help the younger generation learn about horses through horsemanship lessons and training.
“I especially want to express the sincerest appreciation to my mother, all of my family, and many friends and acquaintances who have been my strongest supporters in my horse endeavors,” Queen Watkins appreciated.


Kaitlyn Watkins serves as the 2023-24 Miss Rodeo Junction City.

The American flag is carried by Junction City Rodeo Queen Kaitlyn Watkins at rodeos throughout the Midwest.

Junction City Rodeo chairman Darryl Blocker is with 2022-23 Miss Rodeo Junction City Shelby Christmann, 2023-24 Miss Rodeo Junction City Kaitlyn Watkins, and Sarah Prochaska representing the DJ Prochaska Memorial.



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