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Yield, Milo

Magnificent Buck Parade

A once-in-a-lifetime wildlife spectacle happened right before my eyes last week. I call it a “Magnificent Buck Parade.” Here’s how it all transpired. I got...

Pheasant hunting memories

Well, I no longer have to speculate about the late date of this year’s killing Jack Frost. Mr. Frost dipped into plant-deadly depth on...

“Frostless Fall”

This is a year of weather abnormalities. I’m writing this on Nov. 11 and to date we have not had a killing frost —...

Shop tools dictionary

This week is one of those weeks when you find out the benefit of making new friends in high places. Well, let me be...

Strange Weather Front

Ever since the internet brought live weather maps into my life I’ve become a weather-map junkie. I look at the U.S., Kansas, and local...

“Honest Abe” had it right!

Br-r-r! It was 39 degrees this morning when I first looked at the thermometer. That’s too close to frost and winter for me, but,...

Breakdowns, repairs, buy-backs & maintenance

The weather thankfully changed for the better this week. We received right at 5 inches of rain combined in two short thunderstorms. It wuz...

Interview Gone Bad

My brain has been in slow motion this week, so thankfully some thoughtful and generous readers pitched and e-mailed funny, rural stories for me...


Well, this week started off with a bummer problem. I went out yesterday morning to do my chores and water the garden and discovered...

Happily, fall is here

Fall is already into the calendar and fall weather has come into view. This morning the temperature was 48 degrees. Yesterday was a fall...
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