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Are we suffering a newer depression?

A lot of us codgers are sorely tempted to sing, in a fit of melancholic nostalgia, that we’re glad we’re not young any more. Particularly...

Kobach’s Kansas: an asylum run by the inmates

The notorious flag of the Confederacy, yet an idiot’s delight at select political gatherings and some southern football games, acquires new relevance in Kansas...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

A lot has happened in our lives since I last wrote a column. I wrote two in advance so I could enjoy some “column-free”...

Whitetails and Cars Don’t Mix

When coming home late from an every-other Wednesday night commitment in Hutchinson, we’ve frequently seen deer, rain or shine, summer and winter along a...

Statement Settlement Is Essential

“Nobody likes to pay their bills.” That’s not completely true, because the majority of people who buy something expect to remunerate for it. Sadly there are...

Lifestyles Of The Poor And Normal (Best Of)

Fred Flickenloss has been at the factory all day where he installs floormats in Fords. Most of the time he only pretends to work...

Save The Ice Cube

I have lived for most of my life within 10 miles of San Luis Obispo, CA, or SLO as it's known. Normally I hate...

Laugh Tracks in the Dust

I love dogs. And, most dogs love me in return. Love for a dog is unconditional. When I read of all the discombobulated folks...

The Road Kill Game

My wife has a fascination with identifying road-killed critters, so in an attempt to pad our retirement nest egg (which I believe long ago...

Bringing the Schoenhut collectors to Lindsborg

LINDSBORG ‒ When members of the Schoenhut Collectors Club convene on Oct. 12 in Lindsborg for their annual national meeting, Marsha Rolander will be...
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