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Caring for Houseplants During the Winter Months

Houseplants need varying amounts of water and fertilizer at different times of the year. They need the most during summer when light levels are...

Perennial Garden Clean-up

Fall is traditionally a time for cleaning up gardens. Normally, we recommend clear-cutting dead stems to help control insect and disease problems. With herbaceous...

There is Still Time to Plant Spring-Flowering Bulbs

Generally, it is recommended to plant hardy bulbs (especially daffodils) in October to give them enough time to root before winter. But it is...

Fall Colors of Trees

Part of the allure of fall foliage is color variation. There are trees that turn red, purple, yellow, orange and brown. Specific plant pigments determine...

Video of the Week: Storing Tender Bulbs for the Winter


Winter Storage of Summer Bulbs

As winter approaches, we need to start thinking about storage of the bulbs that will not survive Kansas winters. The bulbs of gladiolus, caladium,...

Hardiness of Cool-Season Vegetables

Cool-season vegetables vary in cold tolerance, with some able to take colder temperatures than others. Semi-hardy crops can take a light frost but are...

White Grubs on Sidewalks and Driveways

We have had several reports of white grubs on sidewalks and driveways.  These are likely the larvae of the green June beetle being driven...

Tucking Your Lawn Mower in for the Winter

If you are done mowing for the year, be sure to service your mower before putting it away. Make sure you drain the gas...

Why Late Lawn Seedings Often Fail

We normally recommend that Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue be seeded in September but no later than October 15. Though plantings later than October...
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