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Nativars offer the best of both worlds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nativars, superhero plants that possess the virtues of native plants but in a more attractive package, make good choices for landscaped...

 Cute critters by day. Thieves by night.

Every gardener knows the frustration of having a beautiful flower or vegetable garden decimated by four-legged critters, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David...


A number of people have asked the name of the weed with the large leaves and purple-black berries that hang in a cluster. This...

Natural Needle Drop on Conifers

We are starting to see very noticeable natural needle drop on some evergreens such as arborvitea, pines and spruce. This is a process where...

Peonies May Be Cut Back Now

​Peony foliage is attractive when healthy but powdery mildew and leaf blotch has made many plants look a little bedraggled this year.  Therefore, gardeners...

Pear Harvest

Most pear cultivars should not be allowed to ripen on the tree. They should be picked while still firm and ripened after harvest. Tree-ripened...

Turf in Shade

We are often asked, “What’s the best shade grass for Kansas?” The answer is simple, but requires explanation. Tall fescue is the best shade...

Preparations for Fall Lawn Plantings

If you are planning on over seeding or establishing a Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue lawn this fall, preparations should start now. These preparations...

Video of the Week: High Quality Grass Seed


Spider Mites are Bugging Area Gardeners

Spider mites are a problem almost every summer in Kansas, and this summer is no exception. Spider mites have been showing up on a wide...
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