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Watering Fruit Plants During the Summer

When temperatures exceed 90 degrees F, fruit plants lose water quickly. When this happens, moisture is withdrawn from the fruit to supply the tree. Stress...

Upcoming Events

July 25    K-State Bedding Plant Field Day, Olathe For more information,  http://hnr.k-state.edu/events/KState%20Bedding%20Plant%20Field%20DayTuesday.pdf You won’t want to miss our industry field day this year.  Many cultivars in the...

Video of the Week: When to Pick Tomatoes


Tiny pests causing big headaches for gardeners

Spider mites can be controlled, if you work at it   MANHATTAN, Kan. — While the extremely hot weather may be giving your garden plants a...

The flower that thrives on neglect

by Linda Geist, University of Missouri Extension Few garden flowers give more and ask for less than daylily. In the quest for a “no maintenance”...

Zinnia: From eye sickness to eye candy

Durable annual handles mid-west summers. by Linda Geist - University of Missouri Extension In the search for a colorful annual flower that can handle the rigors of a typical...

Blister Beetles

These beetles are notorious for quickly stripping vegetables (especially tomatoes) and ornamentals of their foliage. There are several species of blister beetles which vary...

Spider Mites

Most spider mites like hot and dry weather and we are seeing populations start to explode. Look for stippling on the upper surface of the leaves...

Raccoons and Sweet Corn

It seems the official sweet corn inspector should be the raccoon as they seem to harvest the sweet corn the day before it is to be...

Fall Gardening

Probably the last thing most gardeners are thinking of now is planting vegetables. However, fall gardens will often produce higher quality, tastier cool-season crops as the vegetable...
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