Candidates sought for National Sorghum Board


Kansas farmers are being sought for a national sorghum board.

The Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission and the Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association, along with the Kansas Farm Bureau, are seeking a board member for the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.

Two Kansas positions are open. There must be at least two candidates’ names submitted for each opening. The appointments are made by the Secretary of Agriculture at the USDA.

Craig Poore of Alton and Boyd Fund of Garden City finish their terms this year.

“Farmer-leadership is the cornerstone of efforts to improve demand,” said Jesse McCurry, executive director of Kansas Grain Sorghum. “A strong, strategic board ensures a viable path forward for this sustainable grain.”

Applications are due by March 24. Email McCurry at [email protected] with questions.


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