KDOA – Republican River Compact Administration to Meet Online August 21


Republican River Compact Administration to Meet Online August 21


MANHATTAN, Kansas — The Republican River Compact Administration will hold its annual meeting at 10:30 a.m. CDT on Friday, Aug. 21, 2020, as a virtual meeting via online meeting services. The RRCA meeting will focus on water-related issues and activities, including compact compliance, within the Republican River basin in Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska.


In addition, RRCA will hold a work session to prepare for the annual meeting at 8:30 a.m. CDT on Aug. 21, 2020, also as a virtual meeting. Both the work session and the annual meeting are open to the public. Links to both meetings can be found in the meeting notice at www.republicanriver.org.


For those who are unable to participate online, there will be a listening station set up in the Student Union of the Mid-Plains Community College in McCook, Nebraska, at 1202 East 3rd Street in McCook.


Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska entered into the Republican River Compact in 1943 to provide for the equitable division of the basin’s waters, remove causes of potential controversy, and promote interstate cooperation and joint action by the states and the U.S. in the efficient use of water and the control of destructive floods. The RRCA is composed of three commissioners representing Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska: Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources Acting Chief Engineer Chris Beightel; Colorado State Engineer Kevin Rein; and Nebraska Department of Natural Resources Interim Director Jesse Bradley.


Individuals who have questions regarding the meeting should contact Chelsea Erickson at KDA–DWR at [email protected] or 785-425-6787 for more information.


For additional information about the Republican River compact and this year’s annual meeting, including the complete meeting notice and agendas for both meetings, please visit agriculture.ks.gov/RRCA.






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