Webinar: Quantifying Conservation Effects on Multiple Wetland Ecosystem Services: Understanding Tradeoffs is the Name of the Game.


Quantifying Conservation Effects on Multiple Wetland Ecosystem Services: Understanding Tradeoffs is the Name of the Game – October 22, 3:00 p.m. ET

This Conservation Outcomes Webinar will highlight the Integrated Landscape Modeling Partnership (ILMP) and its application to wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region in the northern Great Plains. The ILMP is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and its aim is to identify, evaluate, and develop geospatial models to quantify services derived from wetland ecosystems and to determine the effects of conservation practice implementation. This webinar will explore wetland ecosystem services, conservation benefits, and the tradeoffs inherent in conservation practice implementation and wetlands restoration.

The webinar will be presented by Dr. David Mushet, Research Wildlife Biologist and Chief of the Climate and Land-use Branch at the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota. Dr. Mushet is lead scientist for USGS on the Integrated Landscape Modeling Partnership.

Access the webinar [https://nrcs.adobeconnect.com/ceap2/] a few minutes before the webinar starts.

Closed captioning is available. Add to my calendar [https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/PA_NRCSConsumption/download?cid=nrcseprd1660623&ext=ics]

Each webinar will be recorded and archived for later viewing on this website and the NRCS Conservation Webinar Portal [http://conservationwebinars.net/].

Questions? Contact Bob Sowers at [email protected]

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