Second Annual Kansas Farmers’ Market Conference to be held February 28 and March 1


MANHATTAN, Kan. – Farmers’ markets are an economic engine for communities across the state. With more than 130 farmers markets in Kansas, markets are food destinations in urban and rural settings. The 2015 Kansas Farmers Market Conference will be held Saturday, February, 28 – Sunday, March 1, 2015 in Manhattan, Kansas.

“The state conference is planned for market managers, board of director members, city and county officials who have a vested interest in the growing success or starting new farmers markets in Kansas,” said Stacy Mayo, From the Land of Kansas director.

The From the Land of Kansas program, within the Kansas Department of Agriculture, has teamed up with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to host the second annual state conference.

“The two-day conference is designed to strengthen markets by providing information, resources and tools to grow market success,” Mayo said.

The conference will consist of a variety of workshops and sessions and is structured to promote success for farmers’ market managers, vendors and community stakeholders. Keynote speakers and breakout sessions will include the following topics:

  • How to engage volunteers
  • Gaining community support
  • Marketing your market
  • Importance of conflict resolution
  • Marketing money promotions
  • By-law development and importance of internal farmers’ market policy

Conference registration is $45 a day or $80 for both days. The early-bird deadline to register for this two-day seminar will end January 15, 2015. After the deadline, a $10 price increase will go into effect. Students will be offered a discounted price of $35 a day.

Registration for the event will begin at 7 a.m. on Saturday, February 28, 2015 with the meeting beginning at 9 a.m. on March 1, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan. For more information visit the From the Land of Kansas website: Please direct all questions to (785) 564-6755(785) 564-6755 or [email protected].

“We are also working on a series of five regional workshops that will have information more geared toward market vendors


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