Wheat Scoop: Kansas Commodity Classic to be held January 28 in Salina

Kansas Wheat


For audio version, visit kansaswheat.org.

All Kansas farmers are invited to the Kansas Commodity Classic on Friday, January 28, 2022.

The Kansas Commodity Classic is the annual convention of Kansas’ top crops – corn, wheat, grain sorghum and soybeans, and will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn, 3320 South 9th Street, Salina, Kan., with registration and breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. Thanks to the generous support of the Kansas corn, wheat, grain sorghum and soybean associations and our sponsors, registration is free for farmers and friends.

The Kansas Classic will be emceed by Greg Akagi, Ag Director with 580 WIBW Radio and the Kansas Radio Networks. The morning session will open at 8:30 a.m. with welcome remarks.

Chief Meteorologist Ross Janssen from KWCH in Wichita will provide a weather/climate outlook, and David Brock from Brock Associates will give a market update. Brock’s primary role is to work with producers and commercial buyers on commodity marketing strategies. As a part of a family business, Brock handles various additional roles including business planning, event planning/marketing, speaking and developing grain marketing strategies.

Elected officials have been invited to give a U.S. Congressional Update on the upcoming farm bill and other pertinent issues affecting Kansas farmers.

Gregg Doud, Vice President of Global Situational Awareness and Chief Economist with Aimpoint Research, will end the day with a trade update. Prior to joining Aimpoint Research, Doud served in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative as Chief Agricultural Negotiator with the rank of U.S. Ambassador. He was one of the primary architects of the U.S.-China “Phase One” trade agreement. As a senior staff member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Doud helped craft the 2012 Senate Farm Bill working on international trade, food aid, livestock and oversight of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Raised on a dryland wheat, grain sorghum, soybean, swine and cow-calf operation near Mankato, Kansas, Doud continues to be involved in his family’s 100-year-old farm and is a partner in a commercial cow-calf operation.

The Kansas Commodity Classic is hosted by the Kansas Corn Growers Association, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers, Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association and Kansas Soybean Association. The Kansas Bankers Association is the signature sponsor. Platinum level sponsors are Farm Credit Associations of Kansas and Kansas Department of Agriculture.

Industry sponsors at the gold level are Alta Seeds, Syngenta, KCoe Isom LLP and Ag Risk Solutions. Sponsors at the silver level are Kanas Farm Bureau and KFB Health Plans, Enterprise Bank and Trust, AgBiTech, BNSF Railway and Great Plains Manufacturing. Bronze level sponsors are AgriGold, Beck’s Hybrids and Salina Diocese Rural Life Commission.

Thanks to these generous sponsors, the event is free to attend and includes a complimentary breakfast and lunch; however pre-registration is requested for food count purposes.

Visit http://www.kansascommodityclassic.com to register.





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