Beef production, at 2.05 billion pounds, was 2 percent below the previous year

Livestock Slaughter

ISSN: 0499-0544

Released August 20, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

Pork Production at Record High for July

July 2014 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays.
July 2015 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays.

Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.04 billion 
pounds in July, up 3 percent from the 3.91 billion pounds produced in July 

Beef production, at 2.05 billion pounds, was 2 percent below the previous 
year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.49 million head, down 4 percent from July 
2014. The average live weight was up 26 pounds from the previous year, at 
1,346 pounds.

Veal production totaled 6.9 million pounds, 11 percent below July a year ago. 
Calf slaughter totaled 36,500 head, down 25 percent from July 2014. The 
average live weight was up 47 pounds from last year, at 322 pounds.

Pork production totaled 1.97 billion pounds, up 10 percent from the previous 
year. Hog slaughter totaled 9.40 million head, up 11 percent from July 2014. 
The average live weight was down 3 pounds from the previous year, at 
280 pounds.

Lamb and mutton production, at 12.9 million pounds, was down 7 percent from 
July 2014. Sheep slaughter totaled 187,100 head, 11 percent below last year. 
The average live weight was 138 pounds, up 6 pounds from July a year ago.

January to July 2015 commercial red meat production was 27.8 billion pounds, 
up 1 percent from 2014. Accumulated beef production was down 4 percent from 
last year, veal was down 18 percent, pork was up 7 percent from last year, 
and lamb and mutton production was down 4 percent. 

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Commercial Red Meat Production - United States........................................  4

Federally Inspected Red Meat Production - United States...............................  4

Livestock Slaughter, Number of Head and Average Live Weight - United States...........  5

Commercial Red Meat Production - States and United States.............................  6

Commercial Cattle Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015............  7

Commercial Calf Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015..............  8

Commercial Hog Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015...............  9

Commercial Sheep and Lamb Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015.... 10

Livestock Slaughtered Under Federal Inspection, By Class - United States.............. 11

Federally Inspected Slaughter, Average Dressed Weight, By Class - United States....... 11

Federally Inspected Slaughter - Regions and United States: July 2015.................. 12

Federally Inspected Slaughter - Regions and United States: January to July 2015....... 13

Federally Inspected Slaughter, Percent of Total Commercial Slaughter - United States.. 13

Statistical Methodology............................................................... 14

Terms and Definitions Used for Livestock Slaughter Estimates.......................... 15

Information Contacts.................................................................. 16

Commercial Red Meat Production - United States
[Totals, accumulated totals and percentages based on unrounded data]
                  :          :          :          :  July 2015 as % of   :       January to July       
                  :   July   :   June   :   July   :----------------------------------------------------
       Type       :   2014   :   2015   :   2015   :   July   :   June    :         :         :2015 as %
                  :          :          :          :   2014   :   2015    :  2014   :  2015   : of 2014 
                  : ------- million pounds ------      --- percent ---       million pounds     percent 
Beef .............: 2,087.4    2,001.2    2,046.1       98         102     14,138.2  13,564.7      96   
Veal .............:     7.8        7.0        6.9       89          99         57.7      47.1      82   
Pork .............: 1,799.8    1,995.8    1,972.6      110          99     13,088.2  14,058.4     107   
Lamb and mutton ..:    13.9       13.4       12.9       93          96         93.5      89.4      96   
Total red meat ...: 3,908.9    4,017.4    4,038.5      103         101     27,377.7  27,759.6     101   

Federally Inspected Red Meat Production - United States
[Totals, accumulated totals and percentages based on unrounded data]
                  :          :          :          :  July 2015 as % of   :       January to July       
                  :   July   :   June   :   July   :----------------------------------------------------
       Type       :   2014   :   2015   :   2015   :   July   :   June    :         :         :2015 as %
                  :          :          :          :   2014   :   2015    :  2014   :  2015   : of 2014 
                  : ------- million pounds ------      --- percent ---       million pounds     percent 
Beef .............: 2,060.8    1,977.6    2,023.4       98         102     13,956.3  13,395.6      96   
Veal .............:     7.7        6.9        6.8       89         100         56.8      46.3      82   
Pork .............: 1,788.3    1,984.5    1,960.4      110          99     13,012.3  13,978.5     107   
Lamb and mutton ..:    12.8       12.3       11.8       92          96         87.6      83.2      95   
Total red meat ...: 3,869.5    3,981.4    4,002.5      103         101     27,113.0  27,503.6     101   

Livestock Slaughter, Number of Head and Average Live Weight - United States
[Totals, accumulated totals and percentages based on unrounded data]
                             :              :              :              :     July     :              January to July               
                             :     July     :     June     :     July     :  2015 as %   :--------------------------------------------
           Species           :     2014     :     2015     :     2015     :   of 2014    :              :              :  2015 as %   
                             :              :              :              :              :     2014     :     2015     :   of 2014    
                             :                                                percent                                      percent    
Cattle                       :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:   2,561.9        2,430.0        2,458.5           96          17,533.5       16,431.8          94      
  Other ................1,000:      39.8           35.5           33.7           84             279.6          254.6          91      
  Commercial ...........1,000:   2,601.7        2,465.5        2,492.2           96          17,813.1       16,686.4          94      
Live weight per head         :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected .pounds:   1,322          1,335          1,348            102           1,319          1,347           102      
  Other ...............pounds:   1,160          1,153          1,170            101           1,145          1,160           101      
  Commercial ..........pounds:   1,320          1,332          1,346            102           1,316          1,344           102      
Calves                       :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:      47.8           34.5           36.0           75             352.7          252.5          72      
  Other ................1,000:       0.6            0.7            0.5           80               4.9            4.0          83      
  Commercial ...........1,000:      48.4           35.2           36.5           75             357.6          256.5          72      
Live weight per head         :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected .pounds:     274            335            322            118             274            311           114      
  Other ...............pounds:     371            373            379            102             377            378           100      
  Commercial ..........pounds:     275            336            322            117             275            312           113      
Hogs                         :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:   8,394.1        9,363.8        9,331.9          111          60,738.6       65,527.4         108      
  Other ................1,000:      65.8           63.1           68.6          104             427.5          444.1         104      
  Commercial ...........1,000:   8,459.9        9,426.9        9,400.5          111          61,166.0       65,971.5         108      
Live weight per head         :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected .pounds:     284            282            280             99             285            284           100      
  Other ...............pounds:     241            243            244            101             243            246           101      
  Commercial ..........pounds:     283            282            280             99             285            284           100      
Sheep and lambs              :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:     188.9          172.8          166.8           88           1,243.5        1,164.3          94      
  Other ................1,000:      21.5           21.2           20.3           94             113.7          119.4         105      
  Commercial ...........1,000:     210.4          193.9          187.1           89           1,357.2        1,283.7          95      
Live weight per head         :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected .pounds:     135            142            141            105             141            143           102      
  Other ...............pounds:     104            110            109            104             106            107           101      
  Commercial ..........pounds:     132            139            138            104             138            139           101      
Goats                        :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:      45.3           40.1           38.5           85             274.4          249.2          91      
  Other ................1,000:      12.1           12.0           11.9           98              84.0           75.0          89      
  Commercial ...........1,000:      57.4           52.1           50.3           88             358.4          324.2          90      
Live weight per head         :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected .pounds:      63             61             61             97              64             62            97      
  Other ...............pounds:      76             86             76            100              73             82           112      
  Commercial ..........pounds:      66             67             65             99              66             67           101      
Bison                        :                                                                                                        
Number of head               :                                                                                                        
  Federally inspected ..1,000:       4.4            4.2            4.7          106              31.1           30.7          99      
  Other ................1,000:       0.7            0.8            0.6           93               5.1            5.3         103      
  Commercial ...........1,000:       5.1            5.0            5.3          105              36.2           36.0          99      

Commercial Red Meat Production - States and United States
[Includes total beef, veal, pork, lamb, and mutton. Totals and percentages based on
unrounded data.]
         State         :     July     :     June     :     July     :  July 2015 as   
                       :     2014     :     2015     :     2015     :    % of 2014    
                       :   ----------- million pounds ----------          percent     
Alabama ...............:       0.7            0.7            0.6             86       
Alaska ................:       (Y)            (Y)            (Y)            (X)       
Arizona ...............:      36.3           38.8           38.0            105       
Arkansas ..............:       0.3            0.3            0.3             95       
California ............:     107.8          108.0          109.0            101       
Colorado ..............:     194.1          182.1          188.0             97       
Delaware-Maryland .....:       2.7            3.0            2.8            106       
Florida ...............:       7.3            8.5            8.5            116       
Georgia ...............:      10.7           10.6            9.7             90       
Hawaii ................:       0.8            0.7            0.8             97       
Idaho .................:       3.9            3.7            3.9            100       
Illinois ..............:     246.0          274.8          276.5            112       
Indiana ...............:     142.0          145.6          148.7            105       
Iowa ..................:     520.0          581.3          569.2            109       
Kansas ................:     450.0          432.4          444.5             99       
Kentucky ..............:      41.4           44.6           45.5            110       
Louisiana .............:       0.4            0.5            0.4            104       
Michigan ..............:      36.7           38.0           39.9            109       
Minnesota .............:     199.8          215.6          214.3            107       
Mississippi ...........:       0.4            0.5            0.4            108       
Missouri ..............:     143.5          158.4          158.3            110       
Montana ...............:       1.8            1.5            1.1             61       
Nebraska ..............:     609.2          602.0          615.6            101       
Nevada ................:       0.1            0.1            0.1             97       
New England 1/ ........:       1.8            1.9            1.9            106       
New Jersey ............:       4.1            4.4            3.9             96       
New Mexico ............:       0.3            0.3            0.2             88       
New York ..............:       2.9            3.1            3.1            107       
North Carolina ........:     180.1          194.5          181.3            101       
North Dakota ..........:       0.6            0.6            0.5             84       
Ohio ..................:      22.0           22.4           23.7            107       
Oklahoma ..............:      79.7          100.6           97.6            122       
Oregon ................:       6.8            6.6            6.5             96       
Pennsylvania ..........:     104.2          109.6          108.8            104       
South Carolina ........:      21.1           17.1           16.4             78       
South Dakota ..........:      87.4           95.1           96.0            110       
Tennessee .............:      19.1           20.2           19.9            104       
Texas .................:     360.9          354.2          359.8            100       
Utah ..................:      41.4           38.0           40.6             98       
Virginia ..............:      38.8           40.8           40.7            105       
Washington ............:      78.0           72.4           76.9             99       
West Virginia .........:       0.4            0.3            0.4            116       
Wisconsin .............:     103.0           82.9           83.7             81       
Wyoming ...............:       0.4            0.3            0.4             96       
United States .........:   3,908.9        4,017.4        4,038.5            103       
(X) Not applicable.                                                                   
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                               
1/  New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode      
    Island, and Vermont.                                                              

Commercial Cattle Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                  :  Number slaughtered   :  Total live weight   : Average live weight 
       State      :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                  :  ---- 1,000 head ---    --- 1,000 pounds ---    ---- pounds ----   
Alabama ..........:      0.5         0.4          514        371      996      1,019   
Alaska ...........:      (Y)         (Y)          (X)        (X)      (X)        (X)   
Arizona ..........:     44.3        45.9       59,683     63,366    1,351      1,385   
Arkansas .........:      0.4         0.3          372        314      927      1,026   
California .......:     95.2        96.7      123,924    130,828    1,314      1,365   
Colorado .........:    220.3       209.9      296,058    287,283    1,345      1,369   
Delaware-Maryland :      2.9         3.0        3,669      3,999    1,257      1,327   
Florida ..........:      (D)        13.2          (D)     16,193      (D)      1,236   
Georgia ..........:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)      (D)        (D)   
Hawaii ...........:      0.9         0.9          976        946    1,129      1,111   
Idaho ............:      2.7         2.8        3,023      3,360    1,203      1,262   
Illinois .........:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)      (D)        (D)   
Indiana ..........:      4.3         2.7        4,540      2,899    1,066      1,067   
Iowa .............:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)      (D)        (D)   
Kansas ...........:    522.7       504.7      695,958    681,287    1,332      1,350   
Kentucky .........:      1.1         1.0        1,119      1,031    1,009      1,050   
Louisiana ........:      0.6         0.5          446        447      809        928   
Michigan .........:     40.7        43.3       55,148     60,017    1,364      1,394   
Minnesota ........:     49.9        44.1       71,130     64,927    1,431      1,479   
Mississippi ......:      0.1         0.1           79        108      824        849   
Missouri .........:      4.5         2.7        5,066      3,045    1,116      1,144   
Montana ..........:      2.2         1.2        2,543      1,396    1,133      1,208   
Nebraska .........:    584.4       556.3      795,919    774,200    1,363      1,393   
Nevada ...........:      0.1         0.1          153        131    1,047      1,072   
New England 1/ ...:      1.9         2.0        2,017      2,245    1,084      1,146   
New Jersey .......:      3.3         3.0        3,513      3,389    1,073      1,125   
New Mexico .......:      0.3         0.2          299        242    1,107      1,124   
New York .........:      2.8         3.1        3,184      3,551    1,172      1,157   
North Carolina ...:      5.9         4.9        7,149      5,892    1,210      1,212   
North Dakota .....:      0.8         0.6          977        788    1,244      1,221   
Ohio .............:      9.3         7.7       10,804      8,858    1,173      1,157   
Oklahoma .........:      1.8         2.0        1,834      1,946    1,032        959   
Oregon ...........:      5.9         5.6        7,033      6,956    1,209      1,261   
Pennsylvania .....:     79.8        77.2       94,962     91,850    1,195      1,194   
South Carolina ...:     15.0        14.3       17,517     17,634    1,178      1,247   
South Dakota .....:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)      (D)        (D)   
Tennessee ........:      4.4         4.5        4,015      4,063      939        941   
Texas ............:    459.9       446.2      582,542    576,403    1,269      1,295   
Utah .............:     49.5        48.0       66,537     64,931    1,346      1,355   
Virginia .........:      0.9         0.7          896        787    1,050      1,067   
Washington .......:     94.6        90.4      126,313    124,484    1,339      1,381   
West Virginia ....:      0.3         0.4          382        410    1,133      1,167   
Wisconsin ........:    118.4        94.9      162,042    130,309    1,377      1,382   
Wyoming ..........:      0.5         0.5          577        522    1,069      1,088   
United States ....:  2,601.7     2,492.2    3,426,784  3,347,550    1,320      1,346   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                       
(X) Not applicable.                                                                    
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                                
1/  New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode       
    Island, and Vermont.                                                               

Commercial Calf Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                  :  Number slaughtered   :  Total live weight   : Average live weight 
       State      :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                  :   -- 1,000 head --       -- 1,000 pounds --      --- pounds ---    
Alabama ..........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Alaska ...........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Arizona ..........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Arkansas .........:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
California .......:   10.7         7.7        1,031         795       98        106    
Colorado .........:    (Y)         (D)          (X)         (D)      (X)        (D)    
Delaware-Maryland :    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Florida ..........:    (D)         (Y)          (D)         (X)      (D)        (X)    
Georgia ..........:    0.1         (Y)           48         (X)      495        (X)    
Hawaii ...........:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Idaho ............:    (Y)         (D)          (X)         (D)      (X)        (D)    
Illinois .........:    0.9         0.5          396         217      447        447    
Indiana ..........:    0.4         0.4           91         113      249        274    
Iowa .............:    (D)         (Y)          (D)         (X)      (D)        (X)    
Kansas ...........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Kentucky .........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Louisiana ........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Michigan .........:    0.1         0.1           42          31      299        297    
Minnesota ........:    (Y)         (D)          (X)         (D)      (X)        (D)    
Mississippi ......:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Missouri .........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Montana ..........:    (Y)         (D)          (X)         (D)      (X)        (D)    
Nebraska .........:    (D)         (Y)          (D)         (X)      (D)        (X)    
Nevada ...........:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
New England 1/ ...:    0.7         0.2          100          35      144        143    
New Jersey .......:    5.0         4.6        2,106       1,973      425        431    
New Mexico .......:    (D)         (Y)          (D)         (X)      (D)        (X)    
New York .........:    6.2         2.6          691         434      114        171    
North Carolina ...:    0.1         (Y)           42         (X)      428        (X)    
North Dakota .....:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Ohio .............:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Oklahoma .........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Oregon ...........:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Pennsylvania .....:    8.9         7.2        3,778       3,107      425        433    
South Carolina ...:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
South Dakota .....:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Tennessee ........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Texas ............:    0.4         0.3          235         195      585        609    
Utah .............:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Virginia .........:    (Y)         (Y)          (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Washington .......:    (D)         0.8          (D)          59      (D)         70    
West Virginia ....:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Wisconsin ........:    6.0         5.6        2,742       2,634      461        472    
Wyoming ..........:    (D)         (D)          (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
United States ....:   48.4        36.5       13,223      11,688      275        322    
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                       
(X) Not applicable.                                                                    
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                                
1/  New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode       
    Island, and Vermont.                                                               

Commercial Hog Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                  :  Number slaughtered   :  Total live weight   : Average live weight 
       State      :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                  :  ---- 1,000 head ---    --- 1,000 pounds ---     --- pounds ---    
Alabama ..........:      1.5         1.5          576        564     372        372    
Alaska ...........:      0.1         0.2           15         38     270        256    
Arizona ..........:      0.1         0.1           21         22     246        259    
Arkansas .........:      0.6         0.6          151        158     253        278    
California .......:    196.7       188.0       49,973     46,480     254        247    
Colorado .........:      1.4         1.5          332        351     230        239    
Delaware-Maryland :      1.6         1.5          351        354     224        237    
Florida ..........:      3.5         4.8          523        654     151        137    
Georgia ..........:      5.8         5.6        1,437      1,374     248        247    
Hawaii ...........:      1.2         1.1          294        282     255        262    
Idaho ............:     11.3        10.7        3,039      2,775     269        259    
Illinois .........:    829.8       969.9      239,410    278,001     289        287    
Indiana ..........:    654.8       700.3      182,774    192,824     279        275    
Iowa .............:  2,249.0     2,526.7      641,669    704,292     285        279    
Kansas ...........:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
Kentucky .........:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
Louisiana ........:      0.8         0.8          159        178     201        235    
Michigan .........:     16.0        17.2        5,955      6,445     372        375    
Minnesota ........:    778.5       888.7      214,659    239,519     276        270    
Mississippi ......:      3.1         3.1          466        495     149        160    
Missouri .........:    640.9       722.7      185,682    207,562     290        287    
Montana ..........:      1.7         1.4          364        320     220        232    
Nebraska .........:    536.5       640.7      151,590    177,253     283        277    
Nevada ...........:      0.1         0.2           33         40     257        257    
New England 1/ ...:      2.7         2.6          602        616     224        235    
New Jersey .......:      8.9         8.4          858        809      97         96    
New Mexico .......:      0.1         0.2           40         48     275        254    
New York .........:      3.4         3.8          745        866     222        228    
North Carolina ...:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
North Dakota .....:      0.3         0.3           82         87     289        279    
Ohio .............:     73.3        86.5       20,433     23,906     279        277    
Oklahoma .........:    368.4       464.8      103,178    126,659     280        273    
Oregon ...........:     14.3        13.5        3,824      3,505     268        259    
Pennsylvania .....:    228.7       262.7       60,954     70,251     267        267    
South Carolina ...:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
South Dakota .....:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
Tennessee ........:     55.9        57.5       25,377     26,760     454        466    
Texas ............:     19.3        25.3        4,817      6,246     250        247    
Utah .............:      3.6         3.8          687        630     192        164    
Virginia .........:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
Washington .......:      (D)         (D)          (D)        (D)     (D)        (D)    
West Virginia ....:      0.7         0.8          162        212     238        256    
Wisconsin ........:     53.8        43.6       24,244     19,128     452        440    
Wyoming ..........:      0.3         0.4           69         96     248        261    
United States ....:  8,459.9     9,400.5    2,395,776  2,627,635     283        280    
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                       
1/  New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode       
    Island, and Vermont.                                                               

Commercial Sheep and Lamb Slaughter - States and United States: July 2014 and 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                  :  Number slaughtered   :  Total live weight   : Average live weight 
       State      :--------------------------------------------------------------------
                  :   2014    :   2015    :   2014    :   2015   :   2014   :   2015   
                  :   --- 1,000 head --      -- 1,000 pounds --      --- pounds ---    
Alabama ..........:     (Y)         (Y)         (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Alaska ...........:     (Y)         (Y)         (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Arizona ..........:     0.3         0.3          33          36      127        122    
Arkansas .........:     0.1         0.1           6           8       98        106    
California .......:    24.7        24.1       3,370       3,601      137        150    
Colorado .........:    81.5        68.0      12,929      11,472      159        169    
Delaware-Maryland :     4.6         3.7         432         352       93         96    
Florida ..........:     0.6         1.4          34          91       58         64    
Georgia ..........:     1.6         0.7          99          51       60         75    
Hawaii ...........:     0.1         0.1          11          16      128        135    
Idaho ............:     0.2         0.2          32          30      138        128    
Illinois .........:    13.1         (D)       1,813         (D)      138        (D)    
Indiana ..........:     5.0         4.5         556         502      111        111    
Iowa .............:     0.3         0.3          46          64      146        186    
Kansas ...........:     0.6         0.6          58          46       94         82    
Kentucky .........:     1.8         1.6         213         201      117        124    
Louisiana ........:     0.5         0.4          35          39       65         88    
Michigan .........:    18.4        17.7       2,422       2,380      132        134    
Minnesota ........:     0.5         0.3          53          37      101        111    
Mississippi ......:     0.5         0.3          36          18       81         54    
Missouri .........:     0.7         0.8          92          72      127         90    
Montana ..........:     0.5         0.4          70          49      130        120    
Nebraska .........:     (Y)         (Y)         (X)         (X)      (X)        (X)    
Nevada ...........:     0.1         0.2          17          23      129        121    
New England 1/ ...:     3.2         3.0         292         308       91        103    
New Jersey .......:    12.3        12.5         995         970       81         77    
New Mexico .......:     0.7         0.8         107         120      147        147    
New York .........:     4.3         5.0         427         524      100        104    
North Carolina ...:     1.6         1.3         105          99       66         74    
North Dakota .....:     (Y)         0.1         (X)          11      (X)        120    
Ohio .............:     2.1         1.8         224         201      105        113    
Oklahoma .........:     0.3         0.3          24          30       91         98    
Oregon ...........:     3.3         2.9         431         424      131        144    
Pennsylvania .....:     6.2         4.6         620         492       99        106    
South Carolina ...:     (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
South Dakota .....:     0.3         0.3          41          54      156        161    
Tennessee ........:     1.7         1.3         114          95       67         71    
Texas ............:    12.5         9.7       1,235         946       99         97    
Utah .............:     (D)         2.1         (D)         302      (D)        142    
Virginia .........:     0.5         0.3          42          32       93        105    
Washington .......:     1.1         1.4         145         194      132        136    
West Virginia ....:     (D)         (D)         (D)         (D)      (D)        (D)    
Wisconsin ........:     1.4         1.5         188         218      136        147    
Wyoming ..........:     0.1         0.1          16          19      163        146    
United States ....:   210.4       187.1      27,753      25,783      132        138    
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                       
(X) Not applicable.                                                                    
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                                
1/  New England includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode       
    Island, and Vermont.                                                               

Livestock Slaughtered Under Federal Inspection, By Class - United States
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                  :          :          :          :    January to July    :          :          :          :    January to July    
       Class      :   July   :   June   :   July   :-----------------------:   July   :   June   :   July   :-----------------------
                  :   2014   :   2015   :   2015   :   2014    :   2015    :   2014   :   2015   :   2015   :   2014    :   2015    
                  : --------------------- 1,000 head --------------------     ----------------- percent of total ----------------   
Cattle            :                                                                                                                 
Steers ...........: 1,390.1    1,400.2    1,417.5     9,142.9     8,822.7      54.3       57.6       57.7        52.1        53.7   
Heifers ..........:   692.3      584.5      590.7     4,892.1     4,352.1      27.0       24.1       24.0        27.9        26.5   
All cows .........:   430.3      403.2      409.9     3,182.4     2,992.2      16.8       16.6       16.7        18.2        18.2   
Dairy cows .......:   231.6      221.5      238.6     1,622.8     1,695.3       9.0        9.1        9.7         9.3        10.3   
Other cows .......:   198.7      181.7      171.3     1,559.6     1,297.0       7.8        7.5        7.0         8.9         7.9   
Bulls ............:    49.2       42.1       40.4       316.1       264.7       1.9        1.7        1.6         1.8         1.6   
Total ............: 2,561.9    2,430.0    2,458.5    17,533.5    16,431.8     100.0      100.0      100.0       100.0       100.0   
Calves and        :                                                                                                                 
 vealers ......   :    47.8       34.5       36.0       352.7       252.5     100.0      100.0      100.0       100.0       100.0   
Hogs              :                                                                                                                 
Barrows and       :                                                                                                                 
  gilts ..........: 8,136.2    9,087.3    9,062.4    58,949.7    63,694.9      96.9       97.0       97.1        97.1        97.2   
Sows .............:   228.5      251.1      245.0     1,593.9     1,665.0       2.7        2.7        2.6         2.6         2.5   
Boars ............:    29.4       25.5       24.4       195.0       167.5       0.3        0.3        0.3         0.3         0.3   
Total ............: 8,394.1    9,363.8    9,331.9    60,738.6    65,527.4     100.0      100.0      100.0       100.0       100.0   
Sheep             :                                                                                                                 
Mature            :                                                                                                                 
  sheep ..........:    13.3       10.2        9.4        79.8        64.9       7.0        5.9        5.7         6.4         5.6   
Lambs and         :                                                                                                                 
  yearlings ......:   175.6      162.6      157.4     1,163.7     1,099.5      93.0       94.1       94.3        93.6        94.4   
Total ............:   188.9      172.8      166.8     1,243.5     1,164.3     100.0      100.0      100.0       100.0       100.0   

Federally Inspected Slaughter, Average Dressed Weight, By Class - United States
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
                         :          :          :          :    January to July    
          Class          :   July   :   June   :   July   :-----------------------
                         :   2014   :   2015   :   2015   :   2014    :   2015    
                         :                         pounds                         
Cattle ...............   :   806        816        825         798         817    
Steers 1/ ...............:   868        870        884         857         875    
Heifers 1/ ..............:   787        792        801         790         806    
All cows 1/ .............:   624        647        641         628         651    
Bulls 1/ ................:   908        932        922         898         925    
Calves and vealers ...   :   161        200        191         162         185    
Hogs .................   :   213        212        210         214         213    
Barrows and gilts 2/ ....:   210        209        207         212         211    
Sows 2/ .................:   308        313        310         305         309    
Boars 2/ ................:   207        208        205         205         205    
Sheep ................   :    68         71         71          71          72    
Mature sheep 3/ .........:    66         68         69          66          67    
Lambs and yearlings 3/ ..:    68         72         71          71          72    
1/ Included in cattle average dressed weight.                                     
2/ Included in hog average dressed weight.                                        
3/ Included in sheep average dressed weight.                                      

Federally Inspected Slaughter - Regions and United States: July 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
              :                            Cattle                            : Calves 
   Standard   :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    federal   :        :        :        :           Cows           :        :        
  regions 1/  : Total  : Steers :Heifers :--------------------------: Bulls  : Total  
              :        :        :        :  All   : Dairy  : Other  :        :        
              :                              1,000 head                               
1 ............:    1.7      0.7     0.4      (D)      (D)      (D)      (D)      0.2  
2 ............:    6.0      1.8     1.0      2.5      2.4      0.1      0.8      7.2  
3 ............:   80.1     23.0     5.9     47.9     38.9      9.1      3.3      7.4  
4 ............:   52.4      2.7     1.5     42.3     14.7     27.6      5.8      0.2  
5 ............:  260.9    136.2    24.7     91.5     64.1     27.4      8.4     11.9  
6 ............:  444.3    248.4   118.4     70.0     30.9     39.1      7.7      0.3  
7 ............:1,104.0    700.5   344.6     50.7      3.3     47.4      8.2      (D)  
8 ............:  267.9    193.3    57.7      (D)      (D)      (D)      (D)      (D)  
9 ............:  143.1     56.1    13.7     70.5     61.3      9.2      2.8      7.5  
10 ...........:   98.1     54.8    22.9     19.1     14.0      5.1      1.4      1.3  
United States :2,458.5  1,417.5   590.7    409.9    238.6    171.3     40.4     36.0  

              :                 Hogs                  :            Sheep             
              :  Total  : Barrows :         :         :  Total  : Mature  :Lambs and 
              :         :and gilts:  Sows   :  Boars  :         :  sheep  :yearlings 
              :                              1,000 head                              
1 ............:     2.3       2.2      0.1      (Y)        2.9      0.1        2.7   
2 ............:    12.1      11.9      0.1      0.1       17.0      1.4       15.7   
3 ............:   450.5     449.6      0.8      (Y)        9.2      0.9        8.3   
4 ............:     (D)       (D)      (D)      1.4        6.6      1.3        5.3   
5 ............: 2,672.1   2,553.2    115.2      3.8       30.6      2.7       28.0   
6 ............:   486.7     486.4      0.3      (Y)        3.0      0.4        2.6   
7 ............: 3,908.1   3,827.3     61.9     19.0        0.9      (Y)        0.8   
8 ............:     (D)       (D)      (D)      (Y)       69.9      1.6       68.3   
9 ............:   185.2     185.2      (Y)      (Y)       23.4      0.7       22.7   
10 ...........:    26.0      26.0      (Y)      (Y)        3.4      0.3        3.1   
United States : 9,331.9   9,062.4    245.0     24.4      166.8      9.4      157.4   
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                     
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                              
1/  States included in regions are as follows:  1 - Connecticut, Maine,              
    Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont; 2 - New Jersey, New York; 3 
    - Delaware-Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia; 4 - Alabama, Florida,
    Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee; 5 -   
    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin; 6 - Arkansas, Louisiana,
    New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas; 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska; 8- Colorado,  
    Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming; 9 - Arizona, California,     
    Hawaii, Nevada; 10 - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington.                          

Federally Inspected Slaughter - Regions and United States: January to July 2015
[Data may not add to totals due to rounding]
              :                            Cattle                            : Calves 
   Standard   :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    federal   :        :        :        :           Cows           :        :        
  regions 1/  : Total  : Steers :Heifers :--------------------------: Bulls  : Total  
              :        :        :        :  All   : Dairy  : Other  :        :        
              :                              1,000 head                               
1 ............:    10.5     4.0      2.8      (D)      (D)      (D)     (D)      1.8  
2 ............:    38.2    11.4      7.2     15.7     13.6      2.1     4.0     56.8  
3 ............:   565.4   158.8     38.8    344.4    277.2     67.2    23.3     51.3  
4 ............:   366.8    20.4     10.3    295.5    101.6    193.9    40.5      0.9  
5 ............: 1,767.2   865.9    186.7    661.0    430.2    230.8    53.6     81.0  
6 ............: 2,936.9 1,594.5    786.8    503.6    219.8    283.8    52.1      1.8  
7 ............: 7,351.6 4,319.7  2,577.1    402.4     27.0    375.4    52.4      (D)  
8 ............: 1,759.3 1,116.8    515.1      (D)      (D)      (D)     (D)      (D)  
9 ............: 1,003.0   386.1     78.5    520.3    461.2     59.1    18.2     50.2  
10 ...........:   632.9   345.1    149.0    131.0    100.3     30.7     7.8      8.5  
United States :16,431.8 8,822.7  4,352.1  2,992.2  1,695.3  1,297.0   264.7    252.5  

              :                 Hogs                  :            Sheep             
              :  Total   : Barrows  :        :        :  Total  : Mature  :Lambs and 
              :          :and gilts :  Sows  : Boars  :         :  sheep  :yearlings 
              :                              1,000 head                              
1 ............:     12.9       12.4      0.3     0.2       18.6     0.9        17.7  
2 ............:     77.6       76.4      0.9     0.3      105.4     8.5        96.9  
3 ............:  3,067.3    3,061.0      6.0     0.4       66.2     7.1        59.1  
4 ............:      (D)        (D)      (D)    12.9       38.6     7.5        31.1  
5 ............: 18,357.8   17,517.3    811.5    29.0      209.9    17.4       192.5  
6 ............:  3,364.5    3,362.5      1.4     0.6       23.3     3.4        20.0  
7 ............: 27,515.1   26,991.7    399.5   123.9        5.5     0.2         5.3  
8 ............:      (D)        (D)      (D)     0.1      508.1    13.5       494.7  
9 ............:  1,268.2    1,267.9      0.2     (Y)      168.0     4.5       163.5  
10 ...........:    177.4      177.2      0.2     0.1       20.7     2.0        18.7  
United States : 65,527.4   63,694.9  1,665.0   167.5    1,164.3    64.9     1,099.5  
(D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.                     
(Y) Less than level of precision shown.                                              
1/  States included in regions are as follows:  1 - Connecticut, Maine,              
    Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont; 2 - New Jersey, New York; 3 
    - Delaware-Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia; 4 - Alabama, Florida,
    Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee; 5 -   
    Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin; 6 - Arkansas, Louisiana,
    New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas; 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska; 8- Colorado,  
    Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming; 9 - Arizona, California,     
    Hawaii, Nevada; 10 - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington.                          

Federally Inspected Slaughter, Percent of Total Commercial Slaughter -
United States
              :             :             :            :    January to July     
    Species   :    July     :    June     :    July    :------------------------
              :    2014     :    2015     :    2015    :    2014    :   2015    
              :                             percent                             
Cattle .......:    98.5          98.6          98.6         98.4        98.5    
Calves .......:    98.7          98.1          98.6         98.6        98.4    
Hogs .........:    99.2          99.3          99.3         99.3        99.3    
Sheep ........:    89.8          89.1          89.2         91.6        90.7    

Statistical Methodology

Data Sources: Primary data for the Livestock Slaughter publication are 
obtained from electronic reports completed by inspectors from the Food Safety 
and Inspection Service (FSIS), USDA, which provide daily counts of animals 
slaughtered in Federally Inspected (FI) plants, in addition to total live and 
dressed weights. These counts are combined with data from State-administered 
Non-Federally Inspected (NFI) slaughter plants to derive total commercial 
slaughter estimates.

There are approximately 800 livestock slaughter plants in the United States 
operating under Federal Inspection and nearly 1,900 Non-Federally Inspected 
(State-inspected or custom-exempt) slaughter plants. Slaughter from State-
inspected Talmedge-Aiken plants is included in FI totals (see Terms and 
Definitions, page 15). To prevent duplication in reporting between FI and NFI 
plants and assure all FI plants are included, certificates prepared by FSIS 
identifying operating status are constantly monitored.

Revision Policy: Number of head slaughtered, live weights, and dressed 
weights are subject to revision the following month after the monthly 
release. Annual totals are published in the slaughter summary each April 
which includes any revisions made to current and previous year's published 
data. Revisions are generally the result of late reports received from 
slaughter plants and are usually less than one-half of one percent. No 
revisions will be made to the previous year's data after the publication of 
the annual summary in April.

Procedures and Reliability: The livestock slaughter data is obtained 
electronically on a daily basis and summarized approximately two weeks after 
the week of slaughter. A computer program compares each plant's data with the 
historical data for that plant. Data are checked for unusual values for head 
kill, patterns of kill, average weights, and dressing percent, based on each 
plant's past operating profile. In addition, the computer program provides a 
listing of missing reports for follow-up contact with FSIS. Average live and 
dressed weights and dressing percentages by State are compared with the 
previous weeks as an additional check. Fluctuations are frequently the result 
of plants permanently or temporarily closing and a shift in the species 

The FSIS District Veterinary Medical Specialists (DVMS) are contacted by e-
mail or telephone for missing or potentially erroneous slaughter data. This 
assures that plants slaughtering a large number of head or several species 
are accounted for each week. Any corrections FSIS makes to the slaughter data 
are included in the summary.

Computer imputation may be necessary for incomplete reports. The imputation 
of live and dressed weights is based on the current week reported data of 
plants of similar size and location. Imputation for live and dressed weight 
data for cattle and hogs is less than 10 percent and 7 percent, respectively. 
The imputation for calves and sheep is more frequent and variable.  If no 
data is received electronically or by other means, for plants slaughtering 
fewer than 50 total head weekly of only one species, data are imputed. The 
imputation of head for any plant is based on the historical data for that 
particular plant. The imputation of head slaughtered is rare but when 
necessary, the imputed head kill for missing plants usually is less than 1 
percent of the United States head kill totals.

FI data are summarized weekly and accumulated to a monthly total for this 
release. These weekly totals are published by USDA's Agricultural Marketing 
Service (AMS) in Livestock, Meat, Wool Market News, Weekly Summary, and 
statistics are also available on the NASS website. NFI data are summarized 
monthly only.

Livestock slaughter estimates are based on a census of operating plants and 
therefore, have no sampling error. However, they may be subject to non-
sampling errors such as omissions, duplications and mistakes in reporting, 
recording and processing the data. These errors are minimized through rigid 
quality controls in the computer edit program and summarization process, and 
a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness.

No data are published when an individual plant's data could be divulged. If 
not published, as indicated with a (D), these data are still included in 
United States and region totals. A review of the data is made annually to 
determine the publishable data.

Terms and Definitions Used for Livestock Slaughter Estimates

Average Live Weight: The weight of the whole animal, before slaughter. 
Excludes post-mortem condemnations.

Commercial Production: Includes slaughter and meat production in federally 
inspected and other plants, but excludes animals slaughtered on farms. Based 
on packers' dressed weights.

Custom-Exempt Plants: Plants that do not sell meat but operate on a custom 
basis only are custom-exempt. The animals and meat are not inspected, but the 
facilities must meet health standards. These are considered NFI plants and 
head kill is included in NFI totals.

Dressed Weight: The weight of a chilled animal carcass. Beef with kidney knob 
in; veal with hide off; lamb and mutton with pluck out; pork with leaf fat 
and kidneys out, jowls on and head off.

Dressing Percent: Usually expressed as a percentage yield of chilled carcass 
in relation to the weight of the live animal on hoof. For example, a live hog 
that weighed 200 pounds on hoof and yielded a carcass weighing 140 pounds 
would have a dressing percentage of 70.

Federally Inspected (FI) Plants: Plants that transport meat interstate must 
employ federal inspectors to assure compliance with USDA standards. Any state 
whose commercial plants operate entirely under federal inspection may still 
have custom-exempt establishments for which NFI estimates are made.

Food and Meat Inspection: Includes examination, checking, or testing of a 
carcass and/or meat against established government standards and involves 
checking the facility for cleanliness, health of animals, or parts of animals 
and quality of the meat produced.

Non-Federally Inspected (NFI) Plants: Plants which sell and transport only 
intrastate. State inspectors assure compliance with individual state 
standards for these NFI plants. Mobile slaughtering units are excluded and 
are considered farm slaughter.

Number of Head: Includes post-mortem condemnations.

Plant, Slaughter: An establishment where animals are killed and butchered.

Red Meat: Red meat production is the carcass weight after slaughter excluding 
condemnation and is comprised of beef, veal, pork, and lamb and mutton. The 
FI red meat production is equal to the total carcass weight after slaughter. 
The NFI meat production formula is (NFI head kill) X (live weight) X (FI 
dressing percentage) = NFI red meat production.

Slaughter: Killing and butchering of animals primarily for food.

Slaughter, Farm: Animals slaughtered on farms primarily for home consumption. 
Excludes custom slaughter for farmers at commercial establishments, but 
includes mobile slaughtering on farms. These estimates appear only in the 
annual slaughter release.

Talmedge-Aiken (TA) Plants: Slaughter plants in which USDA is responsible for 
inspection. However, federal inspection is carried out by State employees. 
These plants are considered to be federally inspected.

Total Live Weight: The total weight of live animals, before slaughter. 
Excludes post-mortem condemnations.

Wholesome Meat Act: Legislation that specifies that all meat produced for 
sale in the United States must be inspected. Meat that is transported 
interstate must be inspected in compliance with Federal (USDA) Standards.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to 
contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent 
to [email protected]

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........... (202) 720-3570

Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424
   Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240
   Doug Bounds - Hogs and Pigs .................. (202) 720-3106
   Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236
   Michael Klamm - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ....... (202) 720-3040
   Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278
   Vacant - Sheep and Goats...................... (202) 720-3570

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its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, 
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