By Sandra Coleman

Many great minds in the scientific community claim the theory of evolution is no longer theory but proven fact, absolute truth, and should be taught as such. Macro evolution involves the evolution of species, mice, apes, humans, etc. Well, it appears that even the brightest of experts can jump to conclusions. Some years ago, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, Francis Collins proclaimed proof that mice and men had a common ancestor in his book “The Language of God.” On page 136 of that book he claimed that huge chunks of our genome are littered with ancient repetitive elements (AREs) so that about 45% of the human genome is made up of junk DNA, useless flotsam and jetsam. From this, Collins concluded that if an omniscient God had created us, no such “gerry rigging” of important apparatus would have occurred. Last year, however, Collins had to admit that conclusion was arrogance. No DNA is junk, all have intricate functions, much of which we do not yet understand.  Even Richard Dawkins in 2009 had said “What pseudo junk genes are useful for is embarrassing creationists.” Well, how relieved must God be. Man has vindicated his handiwork. At one time, nearly 86 human organs were considered purposeless. Almost all have proven to have a function, even the appendix, a crucial storage area for harmless bacteria, essential to gut function after diarrhea.  It was once said in response to a remark that we don’t need God for wisdom, “I’m not sure why you, a mere speck of a person, on a speck of a planet, in a tiny universe located in an infinite heaven full of stars and universes, can so confidently hold so improbable a view.”

photo credit – Mars P. **


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